Can You Drink Sprite After Teeth Whitening?

Daniel Hendricks
7 min readNov 18, 2022


Whether you have just gone through teeth whitening or you are interested in going for a quick whitening procedure, there are some things that you should consider when choosing a drink. In particular, a caffeine-free soda is a great choice, as are drinks with herbal tea. Water and coffee are also good options. However, be sure to avoid any items that contain pigments.

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Having teeth whitening can improve your smile and make you feel more confident. However, it is important to take care of your teeth after whitening. Some foods are harmful and can stain your teeth. Taking the time to avoid foods that may stain your teeth after whitening will help improve your results.

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Dark colored beverages are particularly harmful after teeth whitening. Drinks such as dark sodas, red wine, and tea are known to stain teeth. This is because they contain high sugar and acid content. You should avoid drinking these beverages for a couple of days after whitening.

Acidic beverages can exacerbate sensitivity and can cause discomfort. If you are prone to sensitivity, you should avoid these drinks for a few days after whitening.

Acidic foods can also cause stains on your teeth. If you drink soda after teeth whitening, you should rinse your mouth with water afterward. This can help rinse away the acid and sugars.

Drinking soda should only be a special occasion. You should try to limit the amount of soda that you consume and visit your dentist regularly. Be sure to check the nutrition facts of soda.

Drinking coffee is also harmful to your teeth. It is highly acidic and can erode the enamel of your teeth. Drinking coffee after whitening should not be recommended by dental professionals.

The use of colored mouthwash and beverages should also be avoided after teeth whitening. Drinking these products may cause uneven teeth whitening and increase sensitivity.

Herbal tea

Having a whiter smile makes you look younger and brighter. However, some foods and drinks can discolor your smile. A dentist recommends eating the right foods to keep your teeth looking their best. Here are some things to avoid after a teeth whitening procedure.

You might be surprised to know that tea can actually stain your teeth. Although the tannins in tea are not harmful, they can erode your teeth’s enamel. To avoid staining, avoid drinking tea after a high-tannin tea.

While tea and coffee are a necessity for many, you may want to consider a clear herbal tea instead. This will not stain your teeth as much as coffee and will not cause as much damage to your teeth.

Another good tip is to avoid drinking acidic drinks. Sodas, grapefruit, and pineapples all have acidic ingredients that can damage your teeth. Drinking a glass of water after a glass of tea can also help. This is especially important if you have recently had a teeth whitening procedure.

Drinking red wine can also stain your teeth, but it is good for your heart. If you haven’t had a teeth whitening procedure yet, you can wait a few days to drink red wine.

Another good tip is to use a straw when drinking beverages. A straw will keep liquids away from your teeth and will also help to prevent discoloration. You can also avoid eating foods that are directly from the refrigerator.


Whether you have recently had teeth whitening or you are preparing to undergo the procedure, it is important to avoid certain foods and drinks. These foods can cause stains or discoloration of your teeth. You may also experience sensitivity, which may last between 36 and 48 hours. During this time, you should also refrain from drinking cold and hot beverages.

To prevent staining of your newly whitened teeth, it is recommended that you wait two days after having your procedure before drinking anything with a dark color. This includes coffee, tea, red wine, and soda. Dark colored beverages such as cranberry juice, grape juice, and orange juice should also be avoided.

It is also recommended that you use a straw to drink your beverages. This will minimize the contact between the liquid and your teeth. You should also wait at least 30 minutes before drinking any acidic drinks.

To help prevent staining, you should also avoid foods that are highly acidic or have a strong pigment. These foods can affect your enamel, which will increase sensitivity. You should also floss and brush your teeth after you eat foods that are known to stain. This will help prevent future staining.

The same rule applies to teeth whitening products. You should not use bleaching strips for eating. You should also use a straw to drink your drinks, which will minimize the amount of liquid that gets in contact with your teeth.

Caffeine-free sodas

Despite being considered healthy, many sodas are extremely acidic and can damage your teeth. They are also high in sugar, which can lead to tooth decay.

It’s important to know that the sugars in sodas feed bacteria that cause tooth decay. These bacteria produce acid, which attacks teeth for up to 20 minutes after each sip.

In addition to acids, sodas contain caffeine. This can cause a dry mouth, which can make teeth more vulnerable to damage. It can also lead to cavities and gum disease.

The acid in sodas erodes the enamel on your teeth. This wears away the enamel, allowing bacteria to get closer to your teeth. The acid eats away at the enamel and leaves behind a chalky appearance.

It’s important to drink water before and after drinking soda. Water helps to wash away sugars and acid, while also helping to hydrate your mouth. Water also helps your body fight off harmful bacteria.

Caffeine-free sodas have similar ingredients to regular sodas. They are usually loaded with artificial flavors. They also contain phosphoric acid, which can erode tooth enamel.

If you drink soda regularly, it’s important to see a dentist for regular cleanings. It’s also important to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. This can help to reduce dental damage.

You can also prevent damage to your teeth by rinsing your mouth after drinking soda. A straw can help reduce contact with teeth.

Avoiding foods with strong pigments

During the initial period following teeth whitening, it is important to avoid certain foods to maximize the whitening effect. The following foods and beverages should be avoided for at least 48 hours after your whitening treatment.

It is important to drink a lot of water during your whitening treatment, as it can help neutralize staining ingredients and keep your teeth looking their best. It is also a good idea to use a refillable water bottle to help you stay hydrated.

One of the most important foods to avoid after teeth whitening is coffee. It contains tannins, which can darken teeth quickly. You can use GLO Vial whitening gel to remove coffee stains.

Another food to avoid is red wine. It is high in acid, which can cause your teeth to stain. You should also avoid drinks that contain colorants, as they can stain your teeth as well.

Dark colored juices and sodas should also be avoided. These can have a dramatic effect on your teeth. Drinking these types of beverages through a straw can help keep them away from your teeth.

Dark vegetables and fruits should also be avoided, as these are rich in pigments that can stain your teeth. They may also contain chromogens, which are compounds with strong coloration.

While avoiding these foods can be tough, the end results can be worth the effort. After teeth whitening, your teeth become more porous, making them more prone to decay. The darker dentin layer can become exposed, increasing your sensitivity.

Avoiding hot and cold items

During your post whitening period, you might experience sensitivity to cold items. This is because the enamel tubes that help your teeth remineralize during the whitening process are left open. During this period, you should avoid cold foods and drinks. If you are still experiencing sensitivity, you should contact your dentist.

If you want to enjoy your newly whitened smile for years to come, you need to maintain good oral hygiene. You can do this by eating the right foods and keeping your mouth clean and dry. Similarly, you can maintain your teeth’s whiteness by avoiding acidic foods and drinks.

The best way to prevent bruising and staining is to eat and drink room temperature foods and beverages. In addition, you can maintain your oral health by drinking plenty of fluoridated water. Using straws will also help keep liquids away from your teeth.

The aforementioned white wine may have been a good choice for your post whitening teeth, but you might want to switch to tonic water, especially if you have light colored teeth. This may sound like a no brainer, but it’s worth mentioning.

Another way to ensure that you get a whiter smile is to brush your teeth with an anti-sensitivity toothpaste. This will help temporarily whiten your teeth. While this is not a permanent solution, it may help you avoid sensitivity in the long run.

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Daniel Hendricks

Oral Health Practitioner, Nutritionist