Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned Before Whitening?

Daniel Hendricks
7 min readNov 18, 2022


Whether you are about to undergo a teeth whitening procedure or you are looking to keep your teeth white, it is important to get them cleaned before whitening. This will allow you to avoid tooth sensitivity and will ensure that your teeth are clean and ready for whitening.

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Keeping your teeth clean before whitening them will yield some major benefits, including a whiter smile. It’s a good idea to keep up with a good oral health regime and schedule regular cleanings and exams to keep those pearly whites gleaming for years to come. You may also want to get a second opinion from an expert before committing to a teeth whitening regimen. This is especially true if you are a newcomer to the teeth-whitening game.

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As it turns out, whitening your teeth can be a painful experience. A thorough cleaning and deep scrubbing can go a long way towards getting your teeth back to their former glory. As with most things in life, it pays to consult with a professional before making the leap. The best dental offices will also advise on the best times to get the job done. If you’re in the market for a teeth whitening package, be sure to call ahead and get an appointment on the books. This will ensure you don’t have to worry about a messy job later on down the line.

The best dental offices will also give you the right advice on avoiding dental pains in the first place. In addition to routine cleanings, you may want to schedule regular dental exams and x-rays to keep your teeth clean and healthy. You might also want to consider cosmetic dentistry to correct any dental snafus before committing to a teeth whitening regime. After all, no one wants to visit the dentist! Keeping your teeth clean will not only improve your smile, it will also enhance your overall health and well being. The dental office may be a rite of passage, but it’s also a great place to get a second opinion before committing to a teeth whitening regimen.

Preparing your teeth

Having a tooth whitening done is a big decision to make. You want to make sure you get the job done right, and that you don’t end up re-injuring your pearly whites in the process. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available. Luckily, your dentist has your best interests at heart. The best part is that they’ll make the process as painless as possible. During your visit, they’ll take a look at your teeth to make sure you are a good candidate for the process. They’ll also go over your oral health in general, as well as tell you if you need any work done in the first place.

Before you go gung ho, make sure to brush your teeth and floss them properly. You’ll want to see a dentist or dental hygienist at least once a year to make sure you don’t develop any cavities. If you’re going to get your teeth whitened, be sure to make an appointment with a dentist that has you in mind. Your dentist may even be able to provide you with a discount.

There’s no doubt that having your teeth whitened will improve your appearance, but it’s also going to have a big impact on your oral health. Make sure you brush your teeth, floss them, and use a mouthwash at least once a day. Before you go, ask your dentist about any dental work you may need done, and he’ll be more than happy to help. Lastly, be sure to take your dentist’s advice on what types of foods you should avoid consuming during the process. Having your teeth whitened is not for everyone, and may require some dietary modifications.

Getting a dental check-up

Getting a dental check-up before teeth whitening is a great way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. A checkup can detect oral health issues and diseases early, which means you can avoid expensive dental treatments.

During a dental check-up, the dentist will examine your gums, teeth, and soft tissues in the mouth. In addition, the dentist will evaluate your oral health, which includes any swelling, redness, or bleeding. This information is vital to developing a proper treatment plan.

During a dental check-up, the dentist will check for any dental cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. If you have any of these conditions, you may require additional procedures. Your dentist will also estimate the cost of any additional work you need to have done.

Your dentist will also provide you with valuable tips to help you care for your teeth. For example, brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is important. You may also want to consider using an antibacterial mouthwash.

Dental check-ups are not a pain. They are routine visits that you should have at least once a year. You should schedule a check-up if you haven’t been to the dentist in six months. This allows your dentist to detect any oral health issues and treat them before they become serious.

During a dental check-up, your dentist will perform a dental exam and a cleaning. This will help to remove plaque and tartar that can cause cavities and gum disease. Your dentist will also take X-rays, which help him to diagnose any dental issues.

Your dentist may recommend a teeth whitening treatment. A teeth whitening procedure can be performed on the same day as a dental cleaning. Your dentist will use special tools and a cleaning compound to remove stains and plaque from your teeth. Having your teeth whitened will give you a fresh, white smile.

Avoiding teeth sensitivity

Getting a tooth whitening treatment can be a great boost to your confidence. However, you should be aware of the sensitivity that can accompany it. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and lessen sensitivity.

One of the best ways to prevent sensitivity is to avoid the triggers that cause it. This means avoiding hot and cold foods and beverages. These foods and beverages put pressure on the dentine nerve endings, which cause sensitivity.

It is also important to be careful about what you brush your teeth with. Use a soft-bristled brush to reduce the amount of sensitivity that you experience. You should also use lukewarm water to brush your teeth. This will help to protect your teeth from the peroxide that you use during the whitening process.

Adding a desensitizing toothpaste to your oral hygiene regimen is another way to help reduce sensitivity. Desensitizing toothpaste is specifically designed to block the pain signal that teeth receive from the whitening process.

If your sensitivity persists after your professional teeth whitening, you may need to see a dentist. Your dentist can help you develop a treatment plan to lessen the sensitivity.

You can also use over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil or Aleve to help alleviate the pain. If the pain is severe, you may need a prescription product to treat the sensitivity.

You can also try to avoid extreme temperatures and cold drinks. Cold drinks and foods can cause extreme discomfort and sensitivity. Getting used to avoiding these foods and drinks will help reduce your sensitivity.

If you are having sensitivity after your whitening, you can try to minimize it by avoiding certain foods and beverages. You can also ask your dentist to prescribe a desensitizing toothpaste.

Keeping your teeth white after whitening

Keeping your teeth white after whitening requires a commitment to maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Brushing after every meal and flossing one or two times per day are two excellent ways to keep your pearly whites looking their best.

Drinking plenty of water is also important to maintaining white teeth. Water helps to wash away food particles and bacteria. It also helps to re-balance the pH levels of the mouth.

Avoiding foods that contain artificial colors or other pigments can help prevent discoloration. For instance, avoid blueberries, tomato sauce, and other foods with a strong color. These foods can stain your teeth, even if you have had a teeth whitening procedure.

You should also consider brushing after drinking tea or coffee. Coffee and tea leave stains on your teeth, so you should try to avoid them. Another tip is to buy reusable straws to keep liquids away from your teeth.

It’s also a good idea to brush and floss your teeth before you go to bed. You can place a small piece of floss next to your pillow to remind you to do so.

Brushing your teeth after eating will also help to remove stains. If you are unable to avoid staining foods, then brushing immediately after eating or drinking is the next best thing.

You should also drink a lot of water, especially if you have stained teeth. Water helps to re-balance the pH levels of the mouth and remove food particles.

You should also avoid greasy or acidic foods. These can stain your teeth, and will leave a mark on your white t-shirt.

There are plenty of other tips you can use to help keep your teeth white after whitening. But you should talk to a dentist to get a personalized recommendation for you.

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Daniel Hendricks

Oral Health Practitioner, Nutritionist