Jesus as Lord and King: The Spiritual Scoop on His Doctoral Truths

Douglas Spencer
3 min readJul 7, 2023


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“Unpacking Some Heavenly Wisdom with Our Favourite Biblical Bigwig”

Hello, friends! Welcome back to our Bible explorations. We’ve had some fun scooping up wisdom from the Good Old Book, but today, let’s go a little deeper. Let’s delve into the spiritual side, precisely the big-time truths about Jesus as Lord and King. Now, I get it; this sounds heavy-duty. But stick with me because we’ll keep this light, friendly, and accurate.

Jesus as Lord: What’s the Big Deal?

First, let’s tackle this whole ‘Jesus as Lord’ concept. In the simplest terms, saying Jesus is Lord acknowledges He’s the boss — the big cheese, the top dog, the ultimate authority. But it’s more than just a title. It’s a relationship. It’s about accepting Jesus as a guide, a mentor, and a friend who’s always got your back. It’s about letting His teachings shape your life and guide your decisions. And trust me; this guy knows what He’s talking about!

Jesus as King: It’s Not About the Crown

Next up, Jesus as King. When you think of a king, you might imagine a lofty throne, a glittering crown, and a scepter. But Jesus? He flipped that image on its head. His reign is not about power, wealth, or domination. Instead, it’s all about service, sacrifice, and love. He’s the kind of king who’d wash His followers’ feet, loves the unlovable, and forgive the unforgivable. Now, that’s a King worth following!

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The Doctoral Truths: Love, Grace, and Redemption

At the heart of it, all are the doctoral truths Jesus taught. Love? He’s all about it! His paramount directive is to adore God entirely with your heart, soul, and intellect and to express love towards your fellow beings just as you would do to yourself. Grace? He’s got it in spades! Even when we mess up, He offers forgiveness and a fresh start. Redemption? He’s the master of it! His life, death, and resurrection are all about offering us a way back to God, a way to become the best versions of ourselves.

Applying the Truths: It’s Not a Sunday-only Thing

Here’s the thing, friends. These truths about Jesus as Lord and King aren’t just something we acknowledge on Sundays or when we’re in a bind. They’re truths we should live out daily. They should impact how we interact with others, handle challenges, and make decisions. They should remind us to lead with love, extend grace, seek forgiveness, and continually strive for growth and transformation.

So there you have it, folks. Jesus as Lord and King is more than just a doctrine. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a relationship. It’s a journey toward love, grace, redemption, and growth. So, as we navigate this wild ride called life, let’s keep these truths in our back pockets. They might be the spiritual compass we need to keep us on track.

Remember, friends, exploring faith is a journey, not a destination. So keep asking questions, keep seeking, and keep growing. Because, just like a good book, the deeper you delve, the more treasures you’ll find. Catch you next time!



Douglas Spencer

A passionate advocate for personal growth, devoted to simplifying the journey towards a fulfilling life. With a deep commitment to fostering awareness