5 ways to feel more fulfilled in life

Olivia Bussey
4 min readMay 11, 2024
Birthday Celebrations with my Husband Luke -Genoa, February, 2023

A question that I see all the time; What truly defines success and happiness for you?

Sadly, modern-day life has conditioned us to think our happiness is the result of our success or accomplishments.

As a result, we’re constantly striving for more and hoping that when we reach a certain level of success, we’ll finally feel fulfilled and whole.

But more often than not, when you do reach that level, there is still this void and empty feeling. All you’ve accomplished is still not enough. So you immediately shift your focus to the next benchmark for success.

Part of this is healthy because we are driven for progress and growth is what fuels you in life.

But there is also a trend, an unhealthy epidemic where we are constantly striving for more, never feel like enough, and letting external factors dictate when we will be happy or at peace in our life.

It’s part of why anxiety is so high nowadays, we’re always thinking ahead to what’s next rather than enjoying where we are now.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that our happiness hinges on our achievements or external validation. But as Eckhart Tolle wisely reminds us, “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the…



Olivia Bussey

Educator, Coach Consultant Empowering individuals to find their path to success through breakthrough leadership coaching. I host the Self Empowerment Podcast