Pairing Android Device with adb from command line

Stephen Lee
2 min readJul 11, 2022


I usually pair Android Device from Android Studio, and I want to pair the device from command line, so it will be easier to connect with adb from terminal.

I just went to another place, and the wifi is different with the one at my home, so I need to pair the device again, but I don’t want to open the Android Studio, because it is slow to run on the computer, so I want to pair the device from the command line directly, and I find that the adb command line tool has a pair sub command, we can use it to pair Android Device.

The help message for the adb pair is like below:

pair with a device for secure TCP/IP communication

On the android device, open Developer options , and enable Wireless debugging , then click the Pair device with pairing code , it will show the connecting information like below:

With the information above, I can pair the device with the following command:

adb pair 296705



Stephen Lee

I am a software engineer, I like to use the computer to solve problems. website: