Wildfires Burning Through Winter

Lizzie McGrath
Feb 22, 2024


With winter weather comes dry air, and with dry air comes continuing wildfires. Canada’s wildfire season is said to be from March to October, but Canada’s “fires did not stop burning in 2023” said Leverkus, a wildfire fire-fighter. As the climate crisis continues to become a growing concern, wildfire season continues to lengthen not only in Canada, but across North America.

In the summer of 2023, British Columbia’s wildfires grew quickly they became nearly impossible to put out before, and during the winter months. After a grueling 8 month wildfire season many firefighters were hoping for a break that didn’t come. These fires can continue to simmer underground for weeks at a time even after the flames subsided. As climate change continues to progress, wildfire season continues to ravage on.


