Pardes MHWOW End of 2017 Summary

Liza Moskowitz
4 min readJan 30, 2018


Q4 (October — December 2017) Programmatic Impact

  • Active Hosts: 29
  • Total Programs: 74
  • Total Attendance: 839
  • Unique Participants: 598
  • Average Attendance per Program: 11
  • Largest Program: 27 attendees (Miriam Kanani and Liya Garber’s “Chanukah Shabbat in Berkeley”)
  • 82% of programs hosted this quarter were Jewish Culture & Holiday programming, remaining 18% were Jewish learning and social programs
  • Hosts on average hosted 2–3 events this quarter, which increased from Q3 (July — September) where hosts only hosted 1 event on average

Full Year 2017 Programmatic Impact

  • Active Hosts: 40
  • Total Programs: 224
  • Total Attendance: 2,456
  • Unique Participants: 1,457
  • Average Attendance per Program: 11
  • Largest Program: 46 attendees (Sarah Moody and Megan Brumer’s “Erev Rosh Hashannah Dinner”)
  • 22 Pardes MHWOW hosts hosted 4 or more programs in 2017, making them eligible for Moishe House scholarship support and increased travel subsidies for Moishe House Learning & Leadership Retreats

End of 2017 Program Highlights

Tony Westbrook — Jews of All Hues Meet and Greet (Jerusalem)

“This a meet and greet program for Jews of Color and allies who are committed to creating warm and welcoming spaces for Jews of diverse backgrounds. We will meet other JOCs and discuss what the needs of the community are and brainstorm programs.”

Photo from Tony’s event.

Allyson Zacharoff — Interfaith Shabbos Dessert Party (Hartford, CT)

“A group of us will attend Shabbat services at a local synagogue — the first such visit for most, if not all, participants. Afterward, we will gather at my house for discussion and fellowship.”

Photo from Allyson’s event.

Anya Morgulis & Sarah Moody — What is Kosher Wine? (Jerusalem)

“Many people wonder what makes wine kosher, and what about wine isn’t kosher? What does “mevushal” wine mean? Why do we need it? A local Jerusalem wine expert will come to give an explanation of Kosher wine, share some samples, give some tips about wine ‘notes’, and advice about wine pairing!”

Photos from Anya & Sarah’s event.

Moishe House + Pardes Collaboration

  • In 2017, 2 scholarships were given to Pardes alumni MHWOW hosts to attend a Jewish meditation retreat and educator teacher training, totaling $720. Four other scholarships were distributed for Moishe House young adults to attend the Pardes meditation retreat and summer program, totaling $1,250.
  • Helena Bondar advanced her MHWOW skills by attending Moishe House’s first ever MHWOW exclusive retreat, Elevate, this past December. Two other Pardes alumni attended Moishe House Learning Retreats: Eric Kaplan attended the Mindfulness Retreat in Portland, OR, and Sean Ference attended the Passover and Social Justice Retreat in CT.
  • Rachel Dingman and Austin Weisgrau attended Retreatology in November and are now eligible for a grant up to $5,000 to plan and execute their own Jewish learning retreat.
Helena (second from left) with other MHWOW hosts during Saturday night programming where retreat participants made their own conversation starter Jenga sets.

Looking Ahead to 2018

In 2018, we will be focusing on the following priorities:

  1. Consistent Programming & Engagement — From the Pardes hosts already in our community, how can we encourage all of them to consistently host programs?
  2. Sharing of Resources — Which Pardes educators and paper resources should be shared with the general MHWOW community to help hosts enhance their programs?
  3. Shared Communication — How can MHWOW and Pardes communicate together to our hosts/alumni to strengthen the alumni connection between hosts and Pardes?

MHWOW + Pardes Impact

At the end of 2017, we sent out a survey to active Pardes MHWOW hosts to determine how MHWOW is impacting Pardes alumni. Below are some poignant responses:

Why did you want to become a MHWOW host after attending Pardes?

  • “My new understanding of Jewish traditions, laws, and customs allowed me to be more confident in hosting specifically Jewish meals and sharing this new knowledge”
  • “I was surrounded by peers at Pardes who deeply cared about their Jewish identities and wanted to help others’ engage in their own discovery.”

What did you learn at Pardes that has helped you as an MHWOW host?

  • “My Pardes experience inspired me with knowledge to share with community, and a desire to build a strong Jewish community.”
  • “I can speak to a variety of Jewish topics — lived experiences, Israel, Palestine and the Conflict, details of Jewish law, etc. — that give me more authority to educate people about Judaism during my MHWOW events.”

How has MHWOW affected your connection to Pardes?

  • “Has encouraged me to keep in touch with Pardes because MHWOW has given me the tools and ability to create a Jewish environment for community.”
  • “YES! Because I feel indebted to Pardes for giving me this opportunity to be a MHWOW-er, and so it endears Pardes to me!”
  • “Jewish learning and holidays were important to me before attending Pardes, but my experience at Pardes inspired me to keep them as part of my life. I likely host more Jewish events because of MHWOW $. I have maintained friendships with Pardes alumni and often meet Pardes alumni at the BK Beit Midrash events.”

