Liza Chuma Akunyili
2 min readJul 3, 2021


As humans, we make a mighty error leaving our story in the hands of other people. An African Proverb says “until lions tell the stories, the story of the hunt will only honour the hunter”

The world can have a thousand and one opinions of your weakness but you alone know how you fight to be alive one more day, how you strive to get to the office and face your team regardless of the downtime, how you make extra hours for your kid even though you just want to sleep. Until you tell that side of the story, we are stuck with assumptions even when we truly need you and are willing to help out.

To tell your story is to own your power, your narrative, your reputation. It is to thoroughly take power from every blackmailer, it is to confront one of your deepest fears (what would people think of me?), it is to confront your past, shame, guilt and regrets.

Telling your story is one strong therapeutic technique many of us don’t use because we don’t know its power. As a team of therapists and storytellers, we have had testimonials of people reconciling their past after a good story session because to speak, you must acknowledge and that is a first step in the right direction.

Nightsky at Fireside Conference — UNSPLASH Image

Do not hold back your story because it is not fancy. Healing and becoming isn’t always fancy, it is always present, however. Healing stumbles and loses its balance. Healing gives up and continues, healing relapses into an addiction, healing doesn't feel like waking up on some mornings, healing mutes the call of the therapist’s some days but healing continues regardless. Telling your own story is honouring your journey and healing.

Wouldn’t you prefer to share your story with someone full of empathy, who can relate to the depth of your emotions and help you begin this journey? Even if you don’t need therapy, wouldn’t it be great to allow your story to inspire someone to get off their bed again today?

Don’t feel pressured to share even though I truly want you to. Most importantly, I want you to embrace all that you are right at this moment for the story is still being written.

Whether you feel pumped or down, it’s fine; just come through the day and try again. One foot in front of the other is all I ask you to do whether you are a single mum or a busy CEO, it does not matter. One foot in front of the other is how powerful stories are written. Keep writing your story even if we never read it.

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Liza Chuma Akunyili

I love how art is embedded in us and how science questions us. I am a student of life and this adventure called life is one I’m set to explore.