My Favorite Setting

Drawing Visual Metaphors

Liza Donnelly


Each individual cartoonist has their preferred things to draw. Some call them “tropes,” “devices,” “visual metaphors,” “cliches.” Frankly, none of those words fit what I’m talking about. I grew up an avid follower of Charles Schulz’s strip Peanuts, and he had a few visual settings he would use repeatedly. Snoopy’s dog house, Charlie Brown and the football, Lucy’s Psychiatric Help stand, there are many. I loved the way he combined humor, politics and philosphy in his drawings. It heavily influenced my work; I was drawing at an early age as I read his…



Liza Donnelly

Visual journalist/writer for New Yorker, New York Times, WaPo. TED, SXSW speaker. Looking to change world w humor. newsletter: