my python programing language experience

liz ahumuza
1 min readSep 13, 2018


My very first time to interact with the python programming language was when i joined the women’s initiative program at Andela Uganda. It has been quite an interesting language to interact with because i have learnt alot of new concepts such as indention. When one is writing a python program for the first time and they ignore the indention process it will absolutely raise an indention error at that particular line. I also learnt to use new fuctions such as the input(), which is used when a user is required to enter particular data in a certain line of code. E.g the code below is asking a user to enter their year of birth

year=input(“please enter your year of birth: “)

I also learnt to use similar functions such as len(), filter(), to mention but a few. In conclusion it has been a worthwhile experience.

