Applying and getting Into Ada Developers Academy

Code like an Adie
10 min readDec 16, 2019


This blog is based on my personal experience and background. I will start by telling you a little about myself and then about how I applied to Ada Developers Academy, my process and some recommendations. If you don’t know what Ada is, I have another post where I explain it.

I love solving financial problems through MS Excel, using some formulas and conditionals. I have worked for different companies implementing forecasting solutions, profitability analysis, costs and expenses. I have been volunteering work to help the homeless and children who have suffered from domestic violence. I have taught MS Excel and office tools for adults. Among other things, this is a summary of my background.

This was the way I went:

First steps:

By October 2018 I started looking for courses and meetings to learn about coding and software development. I started with some courses at CodeFellows, they have very good courses.

  1. I took the 101 full day course to learn basic concepts of HTML and CSS.

2. After that I took 102 JavaScript course in a week at nights.

3. I also took the one-day JavaScript mini bootcamps at Galvanize.

I put all the links if you want to know more about them.

From October 2018 to about April 2019, I attended as many meetings as I could. I found everything through these two applications: Eventbrite and Meetup. I attended free courses of two or three hours, HTML and CSS, Javascript, Python and even data analysis as well.

In that half time I applied for Ada in February 2018 without anyone’s help and I mention it because we will talk about it later. Without any success, I was not even called to the second phase.

Between courses… I learned about HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I started reading books, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For example “Head First HTML and CSS” and also “Computer Science Distilled”. I remember that the first book I started reading was “Python Crash Course”.I have to mention that who was there to guide me and give me all these books was my husband. Who nowadays keeps on buying me books so I can continue learning at my own pace and in a more structured manner based on basic Computer Science topics.

Application for Ada in September 2019:

The window had opened again, it was August 12 or 13, I don’t remember exactly the day, but it was in that week. Registrations would go until September 9, 6:00 pm Pacific Time.

Do you remember my first article about Ada? I mentioned that I had met a future Adie. Well, during all this time we kept in touch and when the registrations opened again she contacted me to offer me her support, about the process and possible questions.

This is the part where I told you that my first application was made without anyone’s help. # Error number 1.

Let’s start with the application process!

I am going to describe how my process was, some dates and some recommendations that I consider can be useful.

PHASE 1: Essays and Data Challenge: August 13 to September 9 2019.

Essays or questions:

For this part they give you about 6 or 7 questions that you must answer with a maximum of words. These questions are something like: Why Ada? What makes you different? Why programming and software development? and How could you learn from the mistakes? Basically all your answers are about that.

As soon as they opened the window I copied all the questions into a google docs file and started working on my questions, for the first week I already had all the answers, according to me. I wanted to make sure that everything I was writing made sense and it was correct. I went to several friends to ask for help, among those the Adie who had offered to help me. I reviewed my essays with almost 5 people and I made more than 5 different versions.


  1. Always save your previous versions, you may discard something you don’t want in a moment, but maybe you can use it in another question, later or in your cover letter.
  2. It is important that whenever a question starts with a why or what, you answer it immediately in the first paragraph. Make a list of at least 3 reasons why you would answer that why or what, and based on that you begin to write your answer, keeping these points clear.
  3. All of your answers should contain facts that demonstrate how you did it and what you did. For example: Why do you want to be part of Ada? I want to be part of Ada because it is a challenge, an opportunity or because you identify with their mission. If you said it was a challenge, what other challenges have you done besides this one? How did you achieve those goals?
  4. Read it aloud, read it as many times as you feel necessary and “ASK FOR HELP”, surely you have someone close who you know is good at writing, ask them to read your questions and give you their comments. Four eyes will always be better than two ;)

Data Challenge:

In the application process you will find a Google Docs file where they will give you all the steps to follow and the questions you must solve using the data. These questions have a limit of 500 words, you must describe your process step by step and your conclusions. In this document you will find the link to download the information to work with in MS Excel, libreoffice or google sheets. Clearly, if you know another tool for data analysis you can use it.

With all my essays finished, I started working on the data in MS Excel. It is a sea of information with many rows and columns. I copied all the questions in a google docs file and then one by one I was answering each question.


  1. Know the information, they also give you a page to find out where they got it. Walk through the data, know the names of the columns and rows. This will help make it easier to remember where you can get the information when you’re doing your calculations.
  2. Answer one question at a time. It’s easy to do calculations, pivot tables, and formulas but they will ask you to describe your process, how you came to it, and your conclusions. It is important that you document the step-by-step process, whether you added a column, whether you used formulas, what those formulas were, whether you created or used a pivot table, or whether you applied a filter.
  3. Just like essays, answer the question. Don’t answer with the step-by-step process immediately. For example, The question is: Which department has more men? Answer with the data you found.
  4. The questions can be ambiguous, first answer with your approximations, then describe the step by step process and finally your conclusions or extra comments.

PHASE 2: Code Challenge:

The code challenge is a programming problem that you have to solve using Ruby. Once you receive the instructions you have one week to respond with your code. It is divided into two parts, the first part is the problem to be solved in Ruby and the second part is a few questions about your process and control flow. If you’re not familiar with what control flow is, here’s the link to the JumpStart where the definition and application is.

I got my code challenge on September 25th, they sent me an email with an invitation to the second phase, once I confirmed that I wanted to do the code challenge, I got the instructions in a google docs file with the problem and questions. The problem was about calculating the travel expenses of a person who had travelled through several cities and wanted to make a balance of the total expenses. I sent my code on October 6th.


  1. Finished the JumpStart, this will help you to understand better how Ruby works, data types (string, integer, float), data structures (arrays, hashes), how to iterate through them and many other tools.
  2. Once you understand the problem think how would you break it down into smaller pieces. Breaking down a problem helps to create a bigger picture of it and your brain can structure a solution. Think on the series of steps to solve the problem (algorithm) and all possible use cases, DO NOT start writing code. Once you have understood the problem, make a diagram of how you think your program is going to run and the different variables to take into account, all on paper or whiteboard.
  3. Use a code editor, I used VS Code but that’s my particular preference, save each version of your code, you’re probably going to reuse something you discarded at some point.
  4. Try to do one thing at a time, if the requirement is to print four messages with some calculations, do it step by step. Solve point by point, execute and verify that there are no errors. Then go on to the second requirement and so on. Once you have completed your code try to find someone to give you a second opinion and implement things that you have not been asked for, e.g. input validation.
  5. It is very important that your control flow reflects what your program does during execution, with all the conditionals and alerts. I used this tool to do the flow control, it’s called and is free online diagram software for making flowcharts.

PHASE 3: Technical Interview

This interview is based on your code, the control flow and the questions you answered about the code. If your code gathers everything they are looking for, they will invite you to the third phase. It is a 30-minute interview and it is by video call.

I sent my code on October 6th and on October 9th they sent me an email with the invitation for the third phase and I did my interview on October 15.


  1. It is important that you know how your code works 100%, understand what each line of your code does, because although they won’t ask you to explain each line, but they are going to ask you for certain portions of it.
  2. You should be familiar with arrays and hashes, their differences and in what case to use which one and why, most of the questions will be aimed at how you could improve your code, how you would make your code scalable and based on a different situation how you would solve it.
  3. At the end, ask at least three questions, I asked for example, what improvements could I make to my code. You can ask the questions you want and doubts you may have, but it is important that you ask something.

PHASE 4: Final Interview

This interview is an in-person or online interview, it is a decision of the applicant how they want and can take this interview. It is a little less formal and is to talk about you, behavioral questions and about your background. It’s a 30-minute interview.

I got the invitation for this phase the same day of my technical interview, on October 15th 2 hours after I had it. I got an email telling me that I had done well and they wanted to invite me for the last phase.


  1. Read your essays again, because certainly based on what you said they’re going to want to dig deeper.
  2. Prepare your interview, make a list of possible questions, for example:
  • Why do you think Ada is for you? Are you ready to be part of Ada?
  • What impact would being a part of Ada have on your life?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the community after the program?
  • What have you done when you have received feedback that you do not agree with?
  • What projects do you have if Ada doesn’t work? If you can’t get in.
  • Are you learning anything related to computer science or programming right now?
  • Could you be committed throughout the program? How?
  • How do you see yourself in the future? In 3 or 5 years.

3. The same as you did with your essays, all your answers must be supported by facts, how, why, and what you have done.

4. Practice your possible answers in front of the mirror and with friends. This will help you feel more confident.

5. It’s normal for you to feel nervous, but keep in mind that other applicants will be too. Be yourself, show them all that makes you different, the interest and determination you have to be part of Ada.

Time spent per phase:

Phase 1: I spent between 3 and 4 hours per day during weekdays to do my essays and data challenge. On weekends between 6 and 7 hours per day, for 3 weeks.

Phase 2:

  • For 3 weeks I spent 2 hours per day to finish the JumpStart.
  • For the code challenge you only have one week, during that week I spent between 5 and 6 hours per day during the week and the weekend from 10 to 12 hours.

Phase 3: I spent 2 hours a day reading my code and be sure that what it was doing every line of my program, for 5 days.

Phase 4: During the week I spent 1 or 2 hours each day preparing possible questions and answers.


On November 25th I got a call from them around 1:00 pm. The happiest day of my life and also I got the following email.

It is with great joy that we offer you admission into Cohort 13 at Ada Developers Academy. We were incredibly impressed with your grit, coding ability and commitment to inclusivity. You were a standout candidate in a competitive process.

This was my whole process, how I lived it and everything from my point of view. I tried to make a summary by phase and the tips that worked for me.

You have to be clear that it is a competition and as any process requires time and dedication. It is not impossible if you work hard every day. Little by little you can build your application. Don’t expect to have everything ready in a day, take the time to prepare and read.

Don’t do this process alone, ask for help. Search the forums of Reddit, this will help you to see how other people’s process is going and search in past cohorts, many times you can find possible questions and answers to your doubts.

Thank you for reading this post!


If you have any questions, feel free to follow me on Instagram. I will be glad to answer your questions.
Instagram: Veraintechjournal

YouTube: Code like an Adie



Code like an Adie

My name is Vera! I am the content creator of code like an Adie :)