What is Ada Developers Academy

Code like an Adie
3 min readDec 17, 2019


Hello world! What is Ada Developers Academy and why is it so wonderful? Ada Developers Academy is a program dedicated to teaching different programming languages, practical tools to develop software and computer science fundamentals (Full-stack web development). Advocacy work and leadership.

Applications are open twice a year, in September and February. People who are admitted in February start their classes in August and those who are admitted in September start their classes in February. This program is divided into two parts:

1. The first part is six months long, studying full time from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

2. In the second part you will have the opportunity to interview companies to do your internship for five months, where you will be able to put into practice all the knowledge you have learned in Ada.

What else can we ask to the world with a program like this? The best part of Ada is its mission and the way the program is focused on changing the face of technology, promoting equality and social justice. This program is aimed at women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and it is completely free.

Why Ada? Ada shows us that it is possible to integrate minorities in the technology field. The effort that Ada makes every day to ensure that underrepresented groups have a stronger voice, that all people have equal opportunities and to promote social justice. Makes those of us who are out there want to be part of that great movement. That’s why I mentioned in the first paragraph that Ada is simply wonderful.

Exactly a year ago I met an Adie at a Microsoft event, by that time she had received a few days ago the call from Ada, where they told her that she had been accepted, of course her happy face was tremendous. Long before that I already knew the program and it was very interesting to meet a person who had already crossed the selection process and had managed to get in.

From her point of view, Ada had a long and complicated selection process, there were several phases and all these phases were by invitation. She explained that they are looking for people who besides being good at developing software, care about the community, like teaching, have a passion for helping others, and identify with Ada’s mission in every way.

In my opinion, I also think that Ada has a complicated process because this process is divided into 4 parts:

1. Essays and Data challenge:

  • Essays: They are the answer to the questions that are found at the moment of applying, depending on each question there is a maximum of words, they can be between 200 and 400. They are about you, how has been your learning process, how and why you consider that Ada is for you and vice versa.
  • Data Challenge: It is a data analysis, they recommend MS Excel, Libreoffice and Google Sheets, but you can use any tool you know for data analysis. What you should do with this data analysis is to answer a few questions that they indicate in the application file.

2. Code challenge: It is a programming problem that you must solve using Ruby, with the help of the JumpStart they have in one of their GitHub repositories.

3. Technical Interview: This interview is to find out how you came up with that solution and the details of your code.

4. Final Interview: This interview is more like behavioral questions and how you would react to different situations that happens in everyday life.

Like everything in life, great efforts bring great rewards! I was recently admitted to the program and I can tell you that it is not impossible, that above all things, the most important things are dedication and commitment.

If you want to know how was my selection process, some tips and recommendations. Here is the link to my other post. :)

Applying and getting Into Ada Developers Academy

Thanks for reading!



If you have any questions, feel free to follow me on Instagram. I will be glad to answer your questions.
Instagram: Veraintechjournal



Code like an Adie

My name is Vera! I am the content creator of code like an Adie :)