Honestly, We Need to Pay More Attention to Our Nightly Routine

It is time to give our night time some consideration

Liz Russell
3 min readAug 5, 2018
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Do you ever squander away minutes, or even hours of your night? Spending precious time on activities that aren’t all that fulfilling, only to glance at the clock and see all of a sudden it is much later than you thought.

You immediately regret your time-wasting ways as you turn off the light or put down your phone. You hope you nod off quickly to maximize the possible time remaining for sleep before your alarm goes off in a few short hours.

I do this. More often than I care to admit.

Recently though, I have been getting better at my end of day activities, with the sole intention of getting more sleep.

A benefit of fitness trackers is the visibility of your sleep duration and an indication of the quality of the sleep. I don’t think it is completely accurate, but it is a good guide. It also acts as a source of encouragement when I make adjustments and then notice positive effects.

However, I don’t need my fitness tracker to tell me when I have not had nearly enough sleep. I know when the alarm goes off and I groggily hit snooze that I did not get enough z’s. I sigh wearily at myself. My actions put me here. In a sub-optimal…

