3 Steps to Living in Alignment with Your Values

Why and how values can be a guiding force in your life

Liz Russell
5 min readAug 31, 2018

Why do I feel out of alignment? Why am I frustrated all the time? Why do I never seem to get time to do the things that matter most?

If you’ve ever asked yourself a question like this, then learning about your values and how to apply them will be a useful activity for you.

The more we know about ourselves, the more we can live satisfying and fulfilling lives.

What are Values?

Our values are more than our thoughts and behaviors. Our values are our inner-most truth of what is important to us.

Personal values are held deep within. They guide our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Values are like an internal compass, guiding the way to our most authentic-self.

Photo by Easton Oliver on Unsplash

Why are Values Important?

When we know our values, we can live in alignment with them. Having knowledge of what is most important to us and what we have a deep-emotional investment in allows us to consciously operate in a way that expresses our values.

When we don’t know our values, we may miss opportunities to make the best possible choices for ourselves. Whether that…

