When We Think We Can’t, But We Actually Can

Overcoming self-doubt

Liz Russell
5 min readMay 17, 2018
Photo by Mikail Duran on Unsplash

Self-doubt is one of the enemies of our confidence. It happens when we tell ourselves we can’t do something. But you know what? We CAN! And we’re going to remind ourselves how…

Self-doubt has a sneaky way of causing us to hesitate or pause, stopping ourselves from taking action. This action may be embracing a new experience, practising a new skill or it could be facing a difficult challenge.

Either way, the self-doubt makes us think we can’t. But we actually can.

Life is a series of new experiences, growth and improvement.

The problem with self-doubt is it hurts our confidence.

Either it conditions us to thinking we’re not good enough or capable enough, diminishing our confidence. Or it means we feel the need to summon even more confidence to overcome the task facing us.

And if we are someone who feels we need to build our confidence, this can be a double-whammy. It is as if we are beginning way behind the starting line. But we still need to compete.

Photo by Seth Macey on Unsplash

