What you need to know about the Internet of ThingsA short introduction for non-technical readersJun 26, 2018Jun 26, 2018
Machine Learning: A PrimerThe simple introduction to AI, machine learning, and more.May 27, 201810May 27, 201810
Dynamic LibrariesDynamic libraries can seem confusing and unnecessary, especially when compared to static libraries, but are actually quite simple to…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
ls -l in hella_shellBefore starting at Holberton School this January, the terms shell, terminal, and process were basically nonsense. Spending the first…Mar 29, 2018Mar 29, 2018
Static LibrariesStatic libraries can seem confusing and unnecessary at first, but are actually quite simple to understand as long as you know the what…Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018
Link vs LinkTo explain the difference between hard and symbolic (or soft) links, we must first review the Linux filesystem. Linux and Unix filesystems…Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018
So you want to learn about ls *.c:Note: this post assumes at least a rudimentary knowledge of programming — namely, what a shell is and how one enters commands into it. If…Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018