How Can We Take Control of Our Data?

Lizzie Musa
1 min readJan 10, 2022


This isn’t a rhetorical question- I’m genuinely asking.

Lizzie Musa

Everyone knows that websites we use are taking our data. They force us to take their cookies and then sell who we are to external advertising companies who use that data to convince us to buy things that we don’t need.

I understand that if the website or application is free, then we are the product. What I don’t understand is how to stop it. Websites sell our data to advertising companies, but what I would love to know how we could we sell the data ourselves.

It’s something that I’ve thought about for a while.

There are lots of experiments that pay the participants. There are many businesses that conduct market research and pay good money for it.

But perhaps we could take it further than that.

Could we sell our own search history for example? Our Google account information? Our Netflix Watchlists?

Our medical records? Maybe that’s too far.

Why let websites and advertising companies profit from us just living our lives? Why don’t we figure out how we can use our data to line our own pockets instead?

If you have any ideas, let me know.

