Lucky Finance Official
4 min readJun 30, 2022

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LOTTERY (Lucky Finance Investment Guild)

A broad view encompasses numerous characteristics / features when lottery is concerned, but first :


A lottery is a game involving the selling of numbered tickets. People who wish to participate in a game of lottery can buy the ticket.

A lottery is a game of chance to win a designated prize. The people participating in a lottery have a chance of winning a prize. Furthermore, the process of lottery is also used in decision making. In a situation where the resources are limited, a choice is made by giving a fair chance to everyone. The concept of the lottery is implemented, and a ticket is picked up randomly. The process may also be used to fill a vacancy in a sports team among equally competing players, placements in a school or university and many more.


Over the past decades, gambling has undergone many changes. Some of these changes have happened because of technological advancements, while others have been brought about by governments trying to regulate gambling activities. Lottery is one of the most popular forms of gambling available in modern society. However, even though many people enjoy playing lotteries, there are still those who do not see it as a positive thing. How can this game of chance benefit our society?

Let’s find out:

Statistically, if you want to see how much the lottery benefits society, just look at the revenue that lotteries bring to the states where they are held. In fact, lottery programs helped raise close to $60 billion in the US alone in 2010. If we take into account other countries that also have lottery programs, the revenue that lottery programs bring in would be much higher.

Lotteries do not only bring money to the states’ governments, but they also help local communities. They are used as tools for local charities to raise money for their cause. The lottery is responsible for raising more than $4 billion each year for charity campaigns around the world. For example, the jackpot prize that the Mega Millions lottery raised in 2012 was $656 million. After the winner claimed his prize, $543 million was given to charities around the globe.

In addition to the amount of money that the lottery brings to charity organizations, it also helps increase awareness about various causes that need support. For example, when a lottery organization supports some charities and donates part of its prizes to them, it makes the general public aware of the needs of these organizations. This awareness eventually leads to more donations and help.


In a well structured approach, there are mainly two fundamental based medium via which lottery is been held.

  • The Traditional lottery system
  • The Decentralized form of lottery

With the traditional lottery system well known, we focus majorly on the blockchain inclined category :

The Decentralized form of lottery

As we all know, there are now hundreds of applications running on various blockchain platforms that fall under the banner of lotteries or lottery-type games. However, in reality, there are only a few worthy of individual scrutiny.

This brings us to the limelight of LUCKY FINANCE, a platform that is powered by smart contract on blockchain without risks of manual improper operations. With the game keeping played by people, the funds of pool will be accumulated, and the token will become more valuable with time.

This is a huge step forward not only for the lottery industry but also for the whole blockchain technology. This project has the potential to completely revolutionize how people interact with and use lottery systems. Not only is it more fair and transparent, but it is also much more convenient.

Having it unique a tribute to the blockchain space, lucky finance is Not a Zero-Sum game, where “player one’s gain is equivalent to player two’s loss. Having a diversify mechanism of profit making, it gives every player an edge at the end of every game.


  • The game starts at 10:00 AM (UTC+8) and ends at 10:00 PM (UTC+8) every day. There are totally 48 rounds everyday.
  • Each round of game lasts 15 minutes.
  • At the moment of each round ends, the last number of the hash value on the chain is taken as the winning number.

With it flexibility, every player has access irrespective of your time zone.

Also with a dividend incentive for every token holder, this is certainly the a good approach towards investment and making good returns.


Lotteries have been with us for a long time. Even though many people don’t have a positive opinion about lotteries, it doesn’t mean that they are one-sidedly negative. They can help increase awareness about important issues, fund public projects, or simply, entertain us and help us relax. And, if you are really lucky, they might change your life in a really positive way.

Check out the LUCKY FINANCE :





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