Leftovers for Dad

lokman kailyn
11 min readMar 10, 2021


This is not the way to deal with a naughty son.

I’m a member of an informal group of women who meet up for coffee once a week to relax, chat, share our concerns and give one another support.

We like to think of ourselves as a gathering where we can share absolutely anything that’s on our minds without fear of judgement or censure.

Although actually, there are limits, in my experience. I can think of a number of things I wouldn’t dare to tell them because of how they might react.

But I’m probably not typical.

And anyway it’s been such a lifeline. Some of my friends are so inspiring.

Take Emma: she does so much for our community and sets such an example for all of us. Only last week she was telling us all about her latest project. She takes young men who’ve been in prison or juvenile correction centres from very difficult backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 21 (I remember thinking how young they are; the same age as my son Alf) and integrates them back into society with a programme of poetry recitations, art exhibitions, concerts, plays and cinema.

That was all very worthy and boring and we listened patiently and praised her selflessness.

But our interest was piqued when she described how she had daily been the subject of unwanted sexual advances by these young criminals.

We shook our heads and offered our opinions about ingratitude and advice about her safety.

Emma brushed our concerns aside with a smile:

“Oh don’t you worry. I know exactly how to deal with boys like that.”

It may have been my imagination but we caught one another’s eyes and she seemed to be addressing me as she continued

“I’m sorry but I don’t care who they are. Boys need to be taught a lesson in how to respect women. The earlier the better. Nip it in the bud. Young men should not be touching up women who might very well be their mothers.”

I looked down and nodded more vigorously than anyone as Emma told us what she’d done:

“Well, I found myself having to pass across the row of cinema seats which necessitated squeezing in front of the boys. Some of them stood up and grabbed me by the waist, pressing themselves into my behind, some pushed me forward, some made me sit on their laps. I felt their hands all over me; squeezing my bum, fingers wriggling up my skirt and pulling my knickers down, grabbing at my tits. I had to do something. So, without hesitation I reached behind me, grabbed the nearest pair of balls and squeezed them as tight as I could until I heard a scream. Then they all let go of me. I didn’t stop or look back. I just carried on walking till I got to the aisle. And I had no bother from any of them from that moment on.”

We all cheered: “Well done Emma!” “They’ll never do that again!” “That’s how you deal with naughty boys!”.

I was silent and self-conscious but nodded with my friends: we all agreed that the pubescent male is a disgusting creature; always touching and groping and leering at women as though we were nothing more than objects of desire for their sexual gratification.

I wondered if I was the only one who felt a little aroused at the thought of being an object of desire for the sexual pleasure of rough young criminal pubescent males.

But I said nothing.

I should imagine I probably am the only one who has those feelings. There must be something wrong with me. Especially me being a mother as well.

Be that as it may I decided to follow Emma’s example next time it happens to me: the next time I feel my son’s hands on my body.

I resolved that the next time Alf starts touching me up I’ll squeeze his balls and that will stop him from touching his mum up ever again.


As soon as I’d settled upon my course of action I was gripped by doubt. The prospect of never again feeling his hands on me made me feel depressed. I began to fear that I would regret what I was about to do.

It’s not as though I minded him touching me up.

If it had not been for the judgment of society and the power of the taboo I could quite happily have indulged my son’s unnatural lust, for his happiness if not my own.

I became anxious that by acting out of a sense of maternal duty and social conformity I was depriving my son of happiness.

Let’s be very clear: I never encouraged Alf’s behaviour. I always told him off. Always. Very firmly. But I could not so easily hide that my heart was beating hard and my cheeks were flushed with excitement after prising his hands off my body and pushing him away, tidying my hair, reapplying my lipstick, readjusting my top and bra, pulling my knickers up and pushing my skirt back down over my hips.

Of course I asked for my husband to come to my aid. Dave; my husband and Alf’s father, knew what was happening. I asked him to speak to Alf, to have a proper father-son talk and lay down the law. To do what any normal husband and father would do. But he just made excuses and refused — totally useless as per usual.

He’s actually seen Alf rip my clothes off and everything, it’s happened right in front of him on more than a few occasions. He either goes and hides in the toilet or watches us over the top of his newspaper while pretending to be engrossed in the word search puzzle then rushes up to bed.

Dave’s seen me come to our bedroom in a very excited and aroused state after an encounter with Alf so he knows how it’s affecting me. He just tells me not to worry, that it’s a phase and that Alf will probably grow out of it. Grow out of it! The boy’s 18 now for goodness sake.

Typical of my Dave: too timid and submissive.

I told him: doesn’t he think it’s him who ought to be touching me up, him, as my husband who’s hands should be all over my body, groping me, arousing me and treating me like an object of sexual desir?. We are man and wife after all.

God knows I’d love that. And our son Alf would get the message as to which male member of the household I’m supposed to be fondled by and perhaps he’d go and get a girl his own age instead of lusting after his poor old mother.

I began to suspect that Dave was actually getting off on it; on what was happening between me and our son. It wouldn’t be out of character.


Ever since me and Dave started going out, even since we got married I’ve been chatted up and propositioned by other men. I’ve always told them to leave me alone because I’m taken and I’ve told Dave to fight them off and protect my honour. But he never has. He just lets them have their way with me. It’s led me into all sorts of situations that could have been avoided if he’d have been more aggressive and possessive.

Instead of taking me home he would rather let me go with other men. He seems to look the other way while other men fuck me. Then he gets all upset and makes me to tell him what they’ve done to me, which has always seemed to make him quite excited.

I put it down to his penis being very much on the small side. It’s a wonder he ever managed to knock me up at all, let alone produce a big masculine boy as Alf. The complete opposite of his father, which is something of a relief. At least he’ll make some young woman happy one day.

I’m not condoning Alf’s lecherous behaviour toward me at all but at least it’s a sign that he’s developed into a healthy male with everything working properly.

Also; I know this is going to sound very wrong; but, being the subject of Alf’s attention; misdirected though it clearly is; has reminded me that I’m still a woman myself with all the needs and desires of a woman.

Years of being married to a husband who has shown no interest in physical love had left me feeling like nothing but a housekeeper. Of course I’ve never encouraged Alf in any way but since he started touching me up I have begun to feel like an attractive sexual human being. I’ve started to attend to my appearance in a way I hadn’t for years — I had my hair done, wore make up more frequently and even bought new sexy underwear and some new outfits.

Anyway. We’re getting off the subject. Notwithstanding all of these private thoughts I came home from our coffee afternoon fully resolved and determined to follow Erica’s advice and take the matter firmly in hand the very next time I felt Alf put his hands on my body.

Perhaps I should explain what my son has been doing.

He started by just looking at me. I didn’t notice at first but then I caught his eyes on my boobs and looking up my skirt. I smiled and told him off. Said he was a naughty boy.

It seemed harmless enough. If I’m honest I probably enjoyed the attention, it felt nice having a young man ogling my body, even if that young man was my own son. Perhaps I even leaned over so he could see down my top a few times, and bent forward knowing his eyes would be on my bottom.

One night when I went to his bedroom to say goodnight I caught him looking at the lingerie section of my clothing catalogue. He showed me a page with models about my age and size in suspenders and stockings and told me how nice I would look in an outfit that I’d been wanting to wear for ages.

I asked him if he thought his dad would like me dressed like that, if it would turn his dad on and he said if it didn’t then he didn’t deserve me. I lay my head on his chest, closed my eyes and let him touch my tits that night. I pretended to fall asleep and let my hand rest on his cock. That’s when I became aware just how much bigger he is than his dad.

After that he started to touch me up whenever he could. Sometimes he was quite rough and forceful. He became confident and even touched me up when his dad was there.

It seemed to be quite the evening entertainment, after dinner. I would wash the dishes. Our son Alfie would grope me and undress me. My husband would do nothing.

Listening to my friend Emma was a turning point. I had to act.

The following evening after dinner I was prepared.

As usual his dad went to the living room to watch the news, I gathered up the plates and cutlery and put them in the sink and Alf sat at the table watching me. Waiting.

As I began to wash the dishes I felt Alf behind me pressing his body up against mine. I felt his arms wrap around my body and his hands groping, cupping, stroking my boobs. I felt his hard cock poke into my bum.

I gave him one warning:

“No Alf. Stop that. Now.”

He didn’t stop.

I gave him another chance:

“Alf. Get off. Stop it or else.”

He carried on. He even kissed the back of my neck.

That was that. Time to teach the boy a lesson.

I reached behind me and wrapped my fingers tightly around the bulge at the front of his trousers and gripped as hard as I could.

Perhaps I wasn’t quite firm enough.

Perhaps I couldn’t bring myself to squeeze hard enough in case I injured him.

Perhaps I fumbled.

Whatever the cause, I found that, Instead of squeezing his balls in painful punishment, my fingers had closed around the thick shaft of his erect penis.

It felt remarkably thick and hard in my hands. I hadn’t felt a cock that big before; certainly much bigger than his dad’s little dick.

I found myself wondering how it would feel in my hands without trouser fabric in the way.

I found myself wanting to know what it looks like.

Far from administering a punitive short sharp shock my fingers had rewarded Alf’s incestuous lust beyond his wildest dreams. He let out a deep moan of pleasure and pushed his cock against me causing me to grip him more tightly.

One of his hands went under my bra, his fingers on my hard swollen nipple. I felt his other hand between my legs, pushing the front of my skirt up, his fingers inside my panties parting my moist pussy lips.

This had not been my plan. But it was very hard to stop now. I tried to say no but all that emerged from my lips was a murmur of pleasure.

Realising it was too late for either of us to stop now I urged Alf on:

“Be quick then. Before you dad catches us.”

That sounded so wrong.

Ald unzipped his flies and I felt his bare cock against me.

He pulled the back of my skirt up, pulled my knickers down and grabbed my hips. I pushed my bum back and shifted position, opening my legs to accommodate him.

At last I felt the head of his huge cock push my pussy lips apart and enter me.

I had a moment of fear that he would be too big or too rough but then he was inside, thrusting, filling me.

I tried to keep quiet but as I came I made strange noises I’d never made before.

I couldn’t help it.

My legs buckled as I orgasmed but he held me up and kept fucking me until his cock swelled and spasmed, his breath changed and his body shook as he came inside me. I felt his hot breath as he kissed the back of my neck and squeezed my tits. I wanted to keep him inside of me but I suddenly became anxious that my husband might come in, that he must have heard the noise I was making.

Alf pulled his still semi erect cock from my cunt with a loud wet plop. I felt his cum ooze from my pussy and dribble down the inside of my thighs. I turned round quick enough to catch a glimpse of my son’s big cock as he squeezed it back into his trousers. I smiled up at him and tried to kiss him but he stepped back and said “Mum, put your tits away and pull your knickers up before dad comes in!”

Which is just what I was doing when his dad came in asking if there was any leftovers for him.

At that Alf and I looked at one another and could barely speak as we struggled to suppress our laughter.

Dave got cross and kept asking what was so funny. Which of course just got us going again.

As I felt my son’s cum ooze from my cunt down my tender inner thighs I experienced a wave of contempt and resentment toward my husband.

This was all his fault. His tiny dick, his neglect, his lack of passion and his submissiveness. I stopped feeling guilty at that point.

I smiled at him, took his hand and led him out of the kitchen

“Oh yes Dave. There’s plenty of leftovers for you. All nice and creamy and sloppy. Just what you deserve. Come on, let’s go upstairs and you can eat it in bed.”


