Why The Tragic Story of ‘The Fall of Icarus’ Is So Important

1 min readJun 13, 2024


Jacob Peter Gowy’s The Flight of Icarus (Source Jacob Peter Gowy — Museo del Prado, Public Domain)

The Ancient Greeks were wise and philosophical thinkers so they had a lot to teach from stories and myths about life that was passed down for millenniums. We can learn from these stories and apply them to our lives in this new age. You might have heard of the tragic story of the fall of Icarus, a Greek myth about the death of a boy who flew too close to the sun despite his father’s warnings.


The story revolves around Daedalus, a skilled craftsman in Athens, and his son Icarus. Daedalus worked for King Minos in his palace in Crete, Island of the Minator, a half human and half-bull monster. King Minos ordered Daedalus to design a prison to contain the feared Minator but instead of creating a prison cell, he designed a labyrinth so the Minator could never escape, but so won’t anybody whom sets foot inside the maze. Anybody who had entered the maze, were never able to leave…

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