Homemade Fashion at Missouri Western

Lance Lawton
2 min readOct 31, 2017


Marissa Miller holds one of her own crafted tassel necklaces. Miller, a junior at Western, taught herself everything, whether it was from Google or YouTube tutorials.
Marissa Miller shows off her handmade tassel necklace and bracelets. She makes her own jewelry, screen prints her own T-shirts and buys vintage clothing and alters them in some sort of way.
Marissa Miller models a few of her creations that she designed by hand. Miller wants to graduate first, then continue to grow her business, whether it includes hats, shoes, scarves, jewelry, etc.
Breanna Baker, a sophomore at Western, creates and sells her own style of jewelry. She began in May of 2017 and hopes that with the money earned, she can go on a mission trip in May 2018.
These bracelets were created by Breanna Baker, a sophomore at Western. She hopes to continue her success and begin her own non-profit business.
Breanna Baker models some of her bracelets that she makes herself. Baker started her jewelry business in May 2017.
Breanna Baker shows off some of her homemade bracelets. Baker displays her creations on her social media accounts, including Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook.



Lance Lawton

Community journalist @ The Douglas County Post-Gazette newspaper in Elkhorn, Nebraska.