Secret to success @LoganPaul

How to sell on Instagram

Lloyd Jong
3 min readJul 18, 2017

Logan Paul is a YouTube and Instagram Mega star and owns not one but two certified Instagram accounts! I hope this article helps you get a solid understanding on how to sell on Instagram.

What makes Logan Paul the ultimate Instagram salesman? I looked for the answer to this question and compiled the most common strategies and tactics used by Logan Paul on Instagram. I focused on the 3 aspects of the sales process : acquire followers, build a community and convert followers into clients.


Even with more than 14 million followers and two certified Instagram accounts, Logan paul is on a constant mission to grow his following. At the end of all his videos, he adds a simple call to action “tag two friends”.

The strategy behind logan content is simple: producing extremely sharable content. This strategy can be harder businesses (who should focus more on documenting) because it requires time. For influencers, this is the best way to guarantee growth.

Pictures from Logan Paul Instagram and Facebook page

Producing extremely sharable is the most powerful principle on social media and at the base of Logan success. I broke shareability into 3 themes

  1. Simple : Content with a clear message that is simple to share.
  2. Relatable : Content that translate common relatable emotions.
  3. Social : Content that connects on a social emotional level.

For his audience, it’s hard not to connect with his videos and then share the good energy with friends and family.


Longan is very consistent in his tone and message. This creates positive expectation in his audience and a sense of community with a single goal and it’s own codes (language). A tactics he uses to keep his channel consistent are

  1. A set of characters.
  2. Repetitive hashtags.

Consider Logan as a TV show. In your regular TV show you have a set of actors that support the main characters journey. Logan did exactly that and has 2 characters that support his story, his best friend (high energy) and his dog (extreme cuteness). Each adds more depth to Logan’s posts.

Hashtags are the currency on all social platforms. They unite content together and bound a community. For your brand or service, creating unique hashtags is a good way to stay relevant and get a constant flow of new follower.

The key to a successful hashtag strategy is consistency and curiosity. Curiosity is crucial because no one knows why certain hashtags trend and others don’t. Logan owns many well ranked hashtags and they only solidify his message.


Not all influencers are born equal, what determines their value is the conversion rate. The percentage of the following that actually swipe up and buy products.

Logan is a master in sales on social media. This is why he is gaining the trust of multiple companies in all kind of industries. One of his most used strategy is to blend the product in the content.

A systematic way to convert followers into clients is by following the first two steps in this article (build a community that share your content) and then ask them if they want more of the experience with a product.

Thanks for your attention, if you like this secret to success, give a little heart and a comment.

