The 3 pillars of social media

How to leverage 3 simple emotions for content success

Lloyd Jong
4 min readJul 1, 2017

This article is full of detailed exemples, to keep it light, I give you at the end a video of Tom Brady vs a Sumo Fighter. For now, let’s talk social media specifically how some small businesses and influencers are destroying their competition by leveraging the 3 pillars of social media.

On all social networks, the best content can be resume into 3 basic emotions we share. We either being entertained, learning something new or being motivated to buy a product. The 3 pillars are a sure way to help your brand gain more engagement, shares and customers.


You want your audience to be happy to see your posts and actively engage with your content? Be entertaining. Your content should sometimes be light hearted and easy to share with others. Show your follower you are having fun and they will engage!

To generate more engagement, the local influencer Daniel Moreira started using animations on the side of his videos to see how his audience would react. As you can see on the image bellow, the simple entertainment changed the way people engaged with his content. Added to his natural motivational talent, his videos are now highly sharable.

People share emotions like joy and personal experience when they bound with your brands message

The more you entertain, the more you get engagement. If you can’t create entertaining content on your own, a simple tactic is hacking your local Influencer Market. O Quintal Organico is an online market where you can buy products 100% organics in Rio de janeiro. They are a great example of success on Instagram. They hacked the local Influencer Market by building partnership and offering gifts to repost the influencer’s picture. (you’re new with influencers marketing? read this)

O Quintal Organico is leveraging a local personal trainer to promote their organic food business


Clicking the Share button is the best action a customer can do for your brand growth. When it happens, a lot more potential clients will know about you. People love to share smart and educational content. Have you ever been in a situation where you are getting great informations and the first thing you want is to share it with friends?

A great way for people to share your content, is to make them learn new things about your mission and your offers. Don’t take yourself too seriously! On social networks, entertainment is king but you should mix it with curious content.

Educational content is also very addictive, your audience will feel a bound with your brand and frequently comeback to engage.

Mairo Vergara is an English teacher and he has a different fun way of teaching. While most teachers focus on boring grammar, he focuses on pronunciation. Here is a good exemple of him mixing educational and entertainment content.


Motivation is the most powerful emotion you can add to your content. It’s also the hardest to control. For most businesses it’s the most important aspect because it’s what makes people actually buy your product.

Motivational content is the reason everyone small businesses should have an Instagram account. The social network is becoming a very powerful sales tool if used well, building a following on Instagram can be very a long process. The key is to know when to ask for your client to buy a product.

This pillar is straight forward. Your objective is to motivate the audience to buy a certain product. I will share tactics and specific exemples for you exclusively on my Instagram. Follow me!

One last thing:

99% of businesses and influencers that still use bots on Instagram will lose. The reason is simple : If you don’t care about your followers and only use Instagram to sell, no one will follow you and people will never engage with your content.

Just take a look at the clear ratio difference between O Quintal Organico and Jeito Saudável a direct competitor. One is focusing on the 3 pillars while the other is focusing “sales” but in reality is wasting money.

The team of O Quintal Organico understood the power behind influencer marketing and used it to win new customers. I am creating a system that will make it easier for small businesses to use digital marketing. Making it possible to easily identify the best local influencers for collaboration. Leveraging your local market is a sure way to increase sales. Before your next product launch, it might be a good idea to add the 3 pillars of social media to your everyday content.

Question for you : What’s your biggest challenge on social media?

You deserve a break, enjoy the bonus video bellow!

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Soon I will post a video going even deeper with the 3 pillars of social media on my Instagram. If you want more analysis and content about social media let me know in the comments.

