How to create a life you want

Always remember that you are absolutely unique just like everyone else.

Barak Ben israel
4 min readMay 14, 2023
photo by: POP

1. Make a mindset shift

Your mindset is the major key that sets the tone for everything in your life. Having a positive mindset will give you a positive outcome in life, as vice versa for having a negative mindset in life you’ll produce negative results.

Changing your mindset is what will Change Your Life. What we think and what we believe is what we’ll act upon. So it’s important to make sure you belief system is inline with your actions and views towards your life. Are set to positively thinking to produce positive results.

2. Work on yourself daily

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We all have those days where we just feel like we’ve got everything done and we now have time to spare which is true in some cases.

Take this time to work on yourself towards your vision and aspirations once you do you’ll find that the spare time you felt like you had will soon be filled with more ways and activities that benefits you..

Remember no one is going To put in the work for you. You’ve got to put in your own work in order to achieve your own goals and change your own life.

Consistent daily practice is how you grow!

photo by: POP

If you watered the plants just a little everyday your garden will soon grow.

3. Create a vision

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Having a vision for your life means that you have a clear sense of purpose to your life. It means we have a bigger picture of our life our business and our future.

Having a vision rather than simply setting and reaching short term goals and tackling the problems as they come. Visions are mostly driven by passion and dreams and they are reflected through real efforts to create Real results.

4. Design your environment

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I know you’re desperate for a change let the pen glide But The only Real Change Come From inside.

-J Cole-

If you want to change your life, you are not the only thing you have to change but your environment has to change too. For example if you always hang out with people who think negatively you soon start to feel and believe the limitations that they are setting for you.

However if you hang with other proactive doers And people who want to see you succeed there is a much higher chance that you may achieve your goals & desires.

5. Learn and improve

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One thing that’ll change your life better or faster than building new skills whatever that skill maybe just imagine or think 6 months from now if you started a new skill set or routine where you’ll be from your starting point.

  • Dedication towards building a new skill throughout your day is a great way to keep your skill in tact

A great way to learn how to improve and implement new or current skills would be through self improvement book such as :

  1. Rich Dad poor Dad (robert T. Kiyosaki)
  2. How to win friends and influence people (dale Carnegie)
  3. The 7 habits of highly effective people (Stephen covey)
  4. The 48 laws of power (Robert Greene)
  5. Think and grow Rich (napoleon hill)

Another way to improve new skills via

Videos, and daily podcasts on self improvement and development. don’t forget to physically practice your skills too!

Enjoy The Process👏🏽

In conclusion the whole concept of this is to master Change for the better that means that if you do, your thoughts your behaviors in addition. To your environment will follow that change.

Don’t get to focused and serious that you lose sight of what you want and most importantly enjoy the process and have fun.

With kind heart 💚and mind absorbing 🧠

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Barak Ben israel

Israeli-American international, Ex IDF soldier Self improvement / awareness & mindset screenwriter, play-writer, content creator, digital creator, Dreamer.