Simple Way of Installing Gluu Server on Linux

Lahiru Manohara
1 min readAug 3, 2017


Installing Gluu server is not quite straight forward task. But this can be achieved if you have a basic knowladge about Docker and Linux commands.

First step - Installing Docker

Install Docker on your machine. Please refer to this document for installing the Docker

Second step - Building Docker Image

I have written a Docker file to build a Docker image. You can find the Docker file here.

Run following Docker command to build the Docker image.

docker build -t <repository_name>:<tag> <dock_file_path>

Third Step - Running Docker Image

You can see Gluu server docker image from the image list tying following command.

docker images

Then you can run the Docker image using following command and attach the container process.

docker run -it --privileged <image_name> /bin/bash

Fourth Step - Setting up Gluu Server

Follow the instruction on Gluu server installation doc to configure the server.

While you are setting up the Gluu server it will ask you to enter the IP address and keep that IP address as it is and press enter.

Then again it will ask you to enter a hostname then type a host name Ex:- gluu-server and press enter.

After Gluu server configuration is done, you can add that IP address and the hostname to your host machine /etc/hosts file.

Ex:- gluu-server

Fifth Step - Navigate to Login Page

Then you can go to the Gluu server admin login page typing following URL in your web browser.


