Configuring WSO2 ESB File Connector Version 2

Lahiru Manohara
1 min readAug 12, 2016

This blog post is explaining how to configure the WSO2 ESB File Connector Version 2. The use case is, search files from one location and copy to another location. In this sample, I am using search and copy operation.

This example, I am using WSO2 ESB 4.9.0 with file connector version 2.0.2


  • Download the WSO2 ESB 4.9.0 [1] and the file connector version 2.0.2 [2]
  • Install the file connector to the ESB [3] and refer to the documentation [4] for file connector.
  • Create a proxy service in ESB. In here I am creating a pass through proxy. [5]
Pass Through Proxy Configuration
  • Go to source view and add following proxy configuration.

In here I am searching all text files from the source location in my local file system and copy to another location. Directory structure as follow.

├── in
│ ├── sample_1.txt
│ └── sample_2.txt
└── out

  • Send payload using SoapUI or tryit to invoke the service. Find following sample payload.






