Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

24 min readMar 23, 2019


Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

I dont believe the first one was stupid. I have a $79 annual fee. Which I need to build up my credit. So if you don’t like the credit card keep your answers to yourself! As for the information on max of 2 credit cards It was listed under the credit card terms and conditions that the max any person could have was 2 credit cards threw them.

Answer : I recommend one to visit this site where you can compare from different companies: .

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“Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

I dont believe the first one was stupid. I have a $79 annual fee. Which I need to build up my credit. So if you don’t like the credit card keep your answers to yourself! As for the information on max of 2 credit cards It was listed under the credit card terms and conditions that the max any person could have was 2 credit cards threw them.


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“Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

I dont believe the first one was stupid. I have a $79 annual fee. Which I need to build up my credit. So if you don’t like the credit card keep your answers to yourself! As for the information on max of 2 credit cards It was listed under the credit card terms and conditions that the max any person could have was 2 credit cards threw them.

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Does it worth to refinance auto loan for me?
We got a car about 15 months ago with a 9.39% APR since my credit score was not that great (around 620) and was not so long either. My job is the same. Paid off all the credit cards, improved the credit scores, now all are above 720. I never missed any payment, and I always add about an extra 100 to the monthly car payment to pay it off earlier and to pay less APR by the end of the loan. My next due date is in June.. I’m thinking to refinance to get lower APR. My original loan (by Toyota) was for 60 months, now I would go with 48 months, since I don’t want to pay it forever.. My question is, would it worth the time and surely some fees to refinance? How many % less I would be able to get? Thanks!””
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Does deleting negative stuff from your credit report really works?
Because im about to pay $100 to some law firm who says their program works. They delete negative stuff from your credit and your credit score will go up. I need my credit score to go high by june 2010 becasue ill be looking for a new home. Does that really work? Any suggestions please?
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Also I have 240,000 in collateral that is locked for the next 10 years, should I bring proof of this? Will it help?””
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“”Auto Loan for Truck 130,000 Miles?””
I need an auto loan for a truck I am considering purchasing. It is a 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 ST Regular Cab 4x4. It has about 130,000 miles on it. From what I’ve read online there is no way to get a longer loan for a truck with this many miles and being over 6 years old. I was hoping for something like a 4–5 year loan which I can pay back over time. I’m currently a student and I could use this time to get the payment a little lower. I’ve gotten quotes from two banks stating that they would only give out a 24 month loan with a rediculous amount down. I simply was wondering if anyone knew any way of getting around this? Thanks. I do have a cosigner as well.””

Can you plead with M&T to approve an auto loan?
Our auto loan for $15,000 got denied because not enough credit history””””. His score is 685. We have no debt””
“”I live in New Zealand, Is it possible to get a (legitimate) loan from another country?””
I live in NZ, and am having trouble getting a loan as I went under the No Asset Procedure (lighter form of bankruptcy). I was discharged from the NAP august 2009. However I am in need of a debt consolidation urgently. I do have the means to service the loan,(just not enough to pay all my bills upfront.) but I do not have any security or guarantor aswell as the bad credit end of it. I have tried almost everybody in NZ but had no luck.. Do you know If there are any companies in another country who could help? please no scam loans who get you to fill out the paperwork then expect money upfront, I am Desperate but I am by no means stupid! thanks””
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Buying a car with bad credit?
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Payday loan default in Texas (prosecute you for bad check)?
I got a pyday loan in Texas — for unexpected reasons my account got over drawn and the NSF charges blew away by account — so I defaulted I have heard two answers to Can they file a bad check with the police in Texas one was yes and the other answer was no — who know the real answer
What does refinancing your house mean?
I keep hearing people get this money back, I don’t understand, what does refinancing your house mean?””

“Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

I dont believe the first one was stupid. I have a $79 annual fee. Which I need to build up my credit. So if you don’t like the credit card keep your answers to yourself! As for the information on max of 2 credit cards It was listed under the credit card terms and conditions that the max any person could have was 2 credit cards threw them.

Auto Loan Question About Defaulting On The Loan!?
Well i did attempt to work with them in regards to the payments, they just did not care at all. I then went and tried to refinance with another bank…. but IM young no bank would touch it :/. I figure a judgement would allow the courts to decide. After all I attempted to work with them, I tried to refinance, I took all possible avenues in regards to the matter. And they even went further in making it so I could not pay the car, by shutting me out online, not allowing me to pay online, and charging me a 15$ fee every time i needed to pay.””
WARNING!!! Read this if you are about to get online loan!?
Okay never get a loan from ANYONE that makes you pay an upfront fee before you get a loan!! I did that and I got scammed!! this guy goes around with multiple e-mails and says he’ll give you a loan for little interest. He’s fake. He goes by Donald George. I bet he has other e-mails. again DO NOT GET AN ONLINE LOAN FROM ANY E-MAIL ADDRESS FROM YAHOO. THEY ARE ALL FAKE!!
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My friend needs to clean up his credit but has gotten himself so much in debt he can afford to pay for bankruptcy. Are there any programs that can help him file. Every place we have called wants 1500.00 to file.
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“”I have good credit and only qualify for a mortgage of 75,000 on my income alone.?””
My boyfriend has a forclosure on his credit from 5–6yrs ago. Can I apply for a mortgage with him as a co signor? We both work full time and make more than enough for a 120,000 house (which is what we r looking at.) Or should we file bankruptcy for him and then apply for the mortgage? We currently live in NY and are looking to move and buy a house in Florida. I am also a first time home buyer””
Website that offers a free anual credit report?

“”How can I get a high limit credit card, somewhere around the range of $2000+?””
I am a student and do not have a long credit history, my credit score is above 600, which is not that bad in this economy. I have applied for 2 credit cards with high limits and I’ve gotten denied twice due to my lack of a long term credit history. I have the ability to pay off my debt, but I need to make a large investment within the next month. Paying it off over, lets say 6–8 months would be very easy for me to do. I just cannot find a credit card that will allow me to have this high limit. I have a good history of paying my bills on time.””
“”I need help getting a personal loan $3,000 plus?””
OK…..So, I go to my bank and the bank-lady there doesn’t even try to look me up in her computer. she just tells me IF YOU DONT HAVE PERFECT CREDIT””
Personal loan is best from hdfc bank?
HI guys, i m a salaried employee getting net salary 19,683.. please suggest personal loan best from hdfc bank(interest rate 18.5%) and what kind risk factor if i taken? HDFC bank ready to give me 2 Lacs for four year… please suggest me for the same.. Thanks in advanced Regards Anshul Rai””
“”Looking for a less than perfect credit $120,000.00 mortage?””
looking to roll the balance of child support arrears plus remaining balance of auto loan into the $120,000.00 purchase price.””
How can I get rid of my home?
Like many people, my home is quickly losing value and I owe more on my home than it’s worth. What are my options? It is getting harder for us to afford our mortgage payments, due to the blessing of our new child. This home was only supposed to be our started home, but it seems like its going to be our retirement home now. I don’t think we are very good candidates for bankruptcy since it costs us about $1500/month for mortgage/taxes/equity loan/insurance payments and we earn about $5000/mo. However, it would be about $700–800/mo cheaper for us to rent or own a larger home for our growing family. With no end in sight to the housing crisis, it seems best to get rid of our home before it loses any more value and save money to prepare for the economic recession ahead. The fair market value of our home is probably $110k now. However, we owe about $180k in a refinanced mortgage. We are also paying the bank a home loan insurance, because the loan is greater than the value of the home. I would like to just surrender our deed in lieu of foreclosure to our lender, but don’t want to be stocked with having to pay for the rest of the loan. Would my lender take back a loan like this? Do they have the option of making me keep my home and only foreclose if I miss payments? How does it work if I WANT to give up my home and walk away? What if we try to sell our house at the current market value or in a short sale? Would we have pay the rest of what we owe at the closing? What are the tax consequences of a short sale? Can anybody help us decide what to do? Are bankruptcy or foreclosure options I should consider? Would I owe taxes after a foreclosure? Could I even declare bankruptcy if we’re making the current payments easily and have an excellent credit score?””
How can i get in touch with the credit reporting service experian and actually talk to a real person?

Les gold collapse on hardcore pawn real or fake?
Do you think it was real or fake for suspense and to make the show enteraining for next weeks show i know he didnt die because it would be on the news and internet
Can I request an auto loan amount that is higher than what I paid for the car?
Hi everyone- I just bought my first car from a carmax lot for $13,900. I initially settled with their high rate financing because another person was interested in the car and I didn’t have the time to pursue other options. Luckily, the credit union on our corporate campus offers low interest (5.5%) auto loans to employees of our company. So now I am working on refinancing the loan through them. My question is — when I fill out the paperwork at the credit union, can I request a loan amount that is $1,000 over the $13,900 total cost I paid for the vehicle? Their form says they will finance up to 115% of the kelly blue book value, and $13,900 is far below that. If they approve the loan, does the credit union just give me a check that I can deposit so I can write my own personal check to carmax? I’m working hard to find cash for a down payment on a house i’m in love with, and this extra cash would really help. I highly appreciate all of your answers and advice. Thanks!””
“”My credit is not good and i have a low score, does anyone know where i can get a loan? not a payday loan.?

What type of local places do payday loans?

“”First time home buyer, should I use a mortgage broker or go directly to a bank?””
Responding to the answer from Landlord””””.. the mortgage broker is requesting the $450 fee be paid up front””
Should I help pay my parents mortgage or buy my own place?
My parents have just turned 60, they still have a huge mortgage of about 250K, I have a younger sibling who is only 15 and still requires my parents care for school etc. I am now a working adult, living in another city and have saved about 100K, and am looking to buy a property of my own, rather than renting, with a long term outlook, I will be able to use future equity as the property grows in value as a means of helping my parents to pay off their mortgage, and at the same time I would have my property as collateral. The alternative is to use the cash I have saved to pay part of their mortgage, not sure if this is a good idea, because there is no collateral or leverage.. I would get this in the other method. Let me know your thoughts on what you think of my situation. I really would like to help my parents. Thank you.””
Advice on how to get a loan with bad credit?
I really need $$ to get some repairs done at home, but I’ve been in and out of a job for a few years and have a lot of defaults — my FICO score sucks BIGTIME!! My colleague told me to look out for loans for people with bad credit and I have googled a bit, but I could use a few pointers from people who have actually been in my situation. My colleague is no help- he was just passing on something he read online but no experience himself! Duh! If anyone can tell me in simple terms how to get a loan with bad credit I would appreciate the advice :)””
“”Do I take out a student loan to cover past debts, and living expenses?””
I need some SERIOUS financial advice, please. I have past debts that total $58,700 about $48,000 medical bill from 11 years ago (no longer being harassed about this though), $7000 for an apartment (my ex husband was legally in charge of this debt), $700 in misc. old bills, $3000 from an eviction (although that may be exaggerated, I haven’t looked into it). I’ve never had a credit card. I am about to start school for a 2 year course for my AAS in Medical Assisting, and I qualify for a sizable student loan. My question is: 1*Do I use the loan to cover living expenses (such as rent) and SOME of the past debts (ie: $3,700) and fight to have the rest removed from my credit report? 2* Use the loan for living expenses and file for bankruptcy on the debts? or 3*Don’t utilize loan at all. My son and I currently live with my parents, which is also about 70 miles from my school. The plus side to staying here, is I have free daycare, pick-up and drop-off for my son, & very cheap rent. The downfall is I feel like I’ve lost the control as the parent myself, I’m at my witts end emotionally, and I am worried that the stress of living here will effect my performance at school. The pros of moving, besides living closer, are that I would also qualify for some daycare assistance and we would of course be on our own again. I don’t know anything about loans, …really. I have done some math that seems like it could all work out in the end but I really need some experienced advice. I wont be able to meet with my financial adviser at school until after school starts. Please, anybody? Any advise is greatly appreciated! :) Thanks””
How can I get money quick without applying for a payday loan? I only need like $150. Suggestions?
I need $150 by Monday, any suggestions?””
How to find my debt without paying an attorney?
I am in debt in several areas including a credit card default, a few medical bills, and I have a couple student loans which were cosigned and then later garnished off the cosigners wages. I’m trying to figure out where all my debt is and who to call to pay it off. Does anyone know of any FREE websites that can tell you what you owe and who you owe it to? the freecreditreport companies won’t help me because they require a credit card to be on file, (i’m on chexsystems and can’t get even a checking account). I’m only 23 so I’m trying to fix my credit.””
Bankruptcy? debt consolidation service? Consumer Credit Counceling Serv?
I’m trying to not file for bankruptcy. Overdraft protection is the only thing keeping me from making late or no payments at all on my bills and that’s nearly maxed out. I’m in huge cc debt, apppr 35k, and bankruptcy seems like the easiest way out and to feel like a person again. I want to try and fight my way out of this mess if I can. I would like to see if a service can help me but know there’s a lot of scams out there. Is CCCS a debt consolidation service like Debtco or are they two different things? How do I go about finding a fair and reputable service? What types of questions should I ask? I’m near Portland, OR. Anyone have a suggestion of where to find a good service or lawyer (if bnkrp is in the future)? Also, is a charge off really that much better or different than filing for bankruptcy? What’s the difference when it comes to your credit report and how it is viewed by potential lenders? TIA””
“Does anyone have 2 Orchard Bank credit cards?

I dont believe the first one was stupid. I have a $79 annual fee. Which I need to build up my credit. So if you don’t like the credit card keep your answers to yourself! As for the information on max of 2 credit cards It was listed under the credit card terms and conditions that the max any person could have was 2 credit cards threw them.

