Layla Marshall
3 min readAug 22, 2017

Weird kid

I was a very weird kid when I was little. Me and my best friend have very active imaginations so we would spend hours a day playing games in her basement that were almost all made up and in our heads. I would never be home as a kid, my best friend lived right next door so I would spend weeks at a time at her house. Now most days I just lay in bed and watch Netflix or YouTube, I’ll FaceTime my friends and sometimes they’ll pick me up and we’ll hangout. Life is pretty lame now to be honest

This is my favorite song because it really represents how I feel toward the people I love.

At 9:00 pm Friday night I was hanging out with my tech friends at my friend Bo’s house. This is a picture of me and my friend/wife Bridget.

  1. Bambi Marshall- this is my mother she inspires me because she was able to overcome a lot of tough things in her life.
  1. Jenna Mourey- this is a youtuber that I really enjoy watching because she’s not like all the other people on YouTube, she makes the kind of videos she likes and she doesn’t care if it not what people want. She figured out what she loved and she’s making money doing it.
  1. Stephen king- this is the author that wrote some of my favorite books. He was a struggling author and he still managed to creat such genius works of art.

This picture represents my dream of becoming an EMT in a big city.

Life in amaerica is full of privilege for a lot of people, people that are distracted with social media, electronics, and junk food. Pretty lame.