what the world needs now: meet lmbk 🧠

why we’re building emotional intelligence for everyone

christian g
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2020


We’re building lmbk (pron: lem’BEK) as a new and more emotionally intelligent way to communicate with each other and we’re pretty excited to announce our next chapter.

So what’s a lmbk? Great question. We landed on the name based on the edge we face in our everyday digital lives and the part of our brains responsible for making us, us: the limbic cortex.

Neuroscience has taught us quite a bit about the importance of emotional intelligence (aka EQ) in our everyday lives. We’re building lmbk alongside neuroscientists, coaches, machine learners with a cast of rad early believers to seamlessly bring EQ to our everyday digital lives.

If you’re interested in coming along for the ride with us and contributing to this journey, we’d love to have you sign up 👉 here.

where we all find ourselves today

We believe that somewhere along the way in our recent technological evolution, we began taking wrong turns. We drove to connect everyone across top-down, one-size-fits-all social graphs — where we sought influence but gained minimal genuine meaning or value. In this model we became the product, giving up our authentic interactions in exchange for our attention.

Unfortunately, the cost of our attention has come at the quality of our lives and relationships. Social media today was not built with emotional context or to engage the emotional intelligence parts of our brains. What we crave more than ever is the ability to be ourselves and add critical context and EQ to our digital lives.

At lmbk, we’re building a new way of communicating that will give people a more genuine and intuitive experience in their everyday digital lives

Today, there’s a growing movement in digital products — like Headspace, Calm — that advocate for our mental health by way of meditation and mindfulness through individualized subscriptions. We at lmbk are building to evolve beyond personal revelations and create a movement that fosters EQ within our circles. lmbk uses subtle reminders and nudges throughout our day to help us gain context while trending up and away in our encounters everyday on social. We accomplish this by bringing wearable sensors into play that help us seamlessly keep our emotions in context and in check with those nearest and dearest to us.

lmbk takes a new, bold philosophy to approaching social:

BUILT FOR AUTHENTICITY. PERIOD. Our feeds and threads should help us focus on connecting and communicating genuinely and honestly. Rather than optimize for impressions and external validation, we’re designing tools and spaces for open and trusted digital interactions.

DESIGNING AROUND YOU + YOUR’S Somewhere along the way tech companies began to believe that we knew users better than they knew themselves. We believe you and your trust network are the best allies equipped to understand this crazy World 🌍 we all share. Using wearable sensors lmbk continuously and seamlessly bring your stressors into view and allow you to start open, honest conversations about what makes you, you.

EQ IN EVERY INTERACTION Sometimes we’re just not into it. Conveying emotional context to our friends and on our feeds creates transparency and authenticity as well as more meaningful interactions. Communication and creation with others you trust is key to reframing your stress and living a more fulfilling life.

YOU’RE NO LONGER THE PRODUCT Social media today relies almost exclusively on advertisement revenue making you the product for marketers. lmbk restores control over what you and your trust network consumes based on what you indicate as meaningful. So you have complete control over the content that destresses you and brings you more joy. Always.

NONCREEPY USE OF YOUR DATA Our products will never be ad-driven, your data will never be sold or revealed for profit. Authenticity comes from trust and establishing trust requires transparency and integrity. Meaning you own your data and you will only see content that is meaningful to you and your trust network. Any other approach is just creepy.

OPTIMIZED FOR QUALITY OF LIFE The toxicity of social media today forces us into a zero sum game of scrolling, likes, and clicks. We believe in optimizing your feeds for the people, causes, and initiatives that are most significant to you. Spending more meaningful time, with people doing meaningful activities is what it takes to improve mindset and QoL.

sound like something you’re here for?

Global pandemics, fake news, climate change, racial injustice and economic inequalities… we believe the time is now to digitally transform our online lives. We’re building a top notch crew of engineers, neuroscientists, deep learning researchers, creators, and designers and we’d love to have you share passions. You’re always welcome to reach out to neuro@lmbk.io or say 👋 hi.

get early access

Our arms are open to anyone interested signing up for early access here and hop into the community we’re building.

about us

lmbk is a startup team founded by neuroscientist Dr. Christian Graves, former fellow at the National Institutes of Health and founder of Devour and DiHSE. Our scrappy shoppe is passionate about design, technology, and creating the next wave of authentic social technologies.

We’re proudly bootstrapped and generously supported by frontier-focused angel investors and we are currently raising our first series of venture funding.

To learn more and contribute to building the community we all deserve, we’d love for you to give us a follow and keep up with our mission.



christian g
Editor for

building emotional intelligence for everyone