Token Migration, Phase 1

Lemon Network Group
3 min readMay 8, 2022


A few days ago we announced the migration of the Lemon Network ecosystem to the Polkadot blockchain, a decision that will undoubtedly result in an exponential growth of our projects.

Last April 30th we launched the DeFi Lemonade platform, a decentralised exchange, currently on the Energy Web Chain. Although we had already made the decision to migrate, we wanted to launch this platform because the development was already done and it is important for us to comply with the community.

How will the migration to the Polkadot blockchain take place?

The migration will be done in different phases, we are currently designing a strategic plan to make the changeover easy and cost-effective for everyone. The development of new Smart Contracts will allow us to switch from LMN(EWT) to LMN(DOT).

Lemon Network will have its new whitepaper with the updates involved in the whole migration and growth of the ecosystem.

In addition, we will soon publish dates and steps for the first phase of the migration, the whitepaper version 2 together with the RoadMap and its new milestones.

Lemon Network will reward holders

Users who have their tokens locked until January 2023

These users have decided to hold their tokens for a year trusting in the project, for this reason we are designing a reward plan that will be effective at the time they migrate their tokens in January 2023 without any kind of waiting, that is to say, you will receive immediately an additional return to the annual APY obtained in LMN (EWT).

Users who have unlocked their tokens in April 2022

If your tokens have been unlocked you have two options:

1.- Add them to Lemonade and make Pool or Farms with them, and at the moment we announce the migration you withdraw them and migrate them to the Polkadot network through the Moonbeam parachain where we will have more services to continue monetising your LMN.

2.- Do not block them and wait for the migration.

Users who have not withdrawn their tokens

If you have tokens in the LMN ICO Vault at; withdraw your tokens, as they have already been unlocked and take them to metamask and choose one of the two options mentioned above.

How to withdraw LMN tokens from the LMN ICO Vault?

Step by step to withdraw your LMN tokens and rewards:

1. Go to the Lemon Network website. Make sure to connect your wallet on the website and disable the browser translator if it is enabled.

2. Scroll down the website to the LMN ICO Vault.

3. Click on the “withdraw” button located in the LMN ICO Vault (Do not click on the withdraw button at the top of the Lemon website).

4. Continue the withdrawal transaction and wait a few seconds. Check your MM to see your LMN along with the reward and you’re done!

The token migration will have a certain duration

For stragglers who are not so active and miss the migration process, we will help you even if the process is finished. It will be done manually, so we recommend that you keep an eye on our announcements and do it as soon as it is announced. This process requires a lot of work on the part of Team LMN and that is why you will not receive any reward.

We understand that you are eager to know how everything will be developed, however, you should know that every technology development process has its planning, development and execution.

This migration is important to us, which means doing things with the utmost security and responsibility to make it a success for both the company and its investors.



Lemon Network Group

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