Deploying the Argo project on OKE

Ali Mukadam
Oracle Developers
Published in
6 min readApr 21, 2020
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I was quite thrilled to learn that the Argo Project has recently been accepted as incubator-level project in CNCF’s stack.

As a brief introduction, the Argo Project has 4 main components:

  • Argo Workflows: a native workflow engine to orchestrate parallel jobs on Kubernetes
  • Argo CD: a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes
  • Argo Rollouts: provides additional deployment strategies such as Blue-Green and Canary to Kubernetes
  • Argo Events: provides an event-based dependency manager for Kubernetes

So, without wasting any time, let’s give them a try and I’ll be your Huckleberry.

Creating a test OKE cluster for Argo

Clone the terraform-oci-oke repo or use the published terraform OKE module on the Terraform registry to create an OKE Cluster. You can also use the Quick Create feature to create your cluster if you don’t want to use terraform.

Ensure you use the following parameters in your terraform.tfvars:

label_prefix = "argo"
region = "us-phoenix-1"
vcn_dns_label = "oke"
vcn_name = "oke"
bastion_enabled = true
bastion_shape = "VM.Standard.E2.2"
bastion_timezone = "Australia/Sydney"
admin_enabled = true
admin_instance_principal = true
admin_shape = "VM.Standard.E2.2"
admin_timezone = "Australia/Sydney"
node_pools = {
np1 = ["VM.Standard.E2.2", 3]
create_service_account = false

Run terraform:

terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

Once Terraform has finished, ssh to the admin console by copying the ssh command from the output:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -J opc@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX opc@

Argo Workflows

From here, we’ll follow the getting started guide for Argo.

Download the Argo CLI on the admin server:

curl -sLO
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
sudo mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
argo version

Create the namespace and install Argo:

kubectl create namespace argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f

Next, we need to configure a ServiceAccount with the necessary privileges. But we’re in a bit of a hurry so we’ll just use the default service account:

kubectl create rolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=default:default

Run sample workflows:

argo submit --watch

And we can watch the workflow steps:

argo submit --watch                                                   
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Pending
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (now)
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Pending
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (now)
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Running
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (now)
Started: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (now)
Duration: 0 seconds

◷ hello-world-7j4wn whalesay hello-world-7j4wn 0s
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Running
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (1 second ago)
Started: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (1 second ago)
Duration: 1 second

◷ hello-world-7j4wn whalesay hello-world-7j4wn 1s ContainerCreating
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Running
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (3 seconds ago)
Started: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (3 seconds ago)
Duration: 3 seconds

● hello-world-7j4wn whalesay hello-world-7j4wn 3s
Name: hello-world-7j4wn
Namespace: default
ServiceAccount: default
Status: Succeeded
Created: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (4 seconds ago)
Started: Tue Apr 21 14:04:21 +1000 (4 seconds ago)
Finished: Tue Apr 21 14:04:25 +1000 (now)
Duration: 4 seconds

✔ hello-world-7j4wn whalesay hello-world-7j4wn 3s

You can also try other workflow examples such as the coinflip. Checkout the GitHub repo for a full list of examples.

Argo CD

The next thing we want to try is Argo CD. ArgoCD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. This says a lot without being too wordy. When you look at the user guide and features, this brief description probably undersells Argo CD.

Let’s follow Argo CD’s getting started guide:

kubectl create namespace argocdkubectl apply -n argocd -f

Download and install the Argo CD cli:

curl -sLO +x argocd-linux-amd64sudo mv argocd-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argocd

Change the service type to Load Balancer and use the IP Address of the Load Balancer to access the UI:

kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p ‘{“spec”: {“type”: “LoadBalancer”}}’

Since we didn’t add the certificate, we’ll be warned of potential security risks ahead. To solve this, we can add a certificate using Let’s Encrypt and cert-manager and then use this together with an Ingress Controller like the NGINX Ingress Controller. Make sure you read Argo’s documentation on using Ingress. Again, we’re in a bit of a hurry, so we’ll just skip these and click ‘Accept the Risk and Continue’.

We’ll now be redirected to Argo CD login page. Let’s retrieve the generated password:

kubectl get pods -n argocd -l -o name | cut -d’/’ -f 2

and login with username admin and the retrieved password.

Follow the rest of the instructions in creating apps via UI. Once the application is created, click on ‘Sync’ and watch the application being deployed as Kubernetes works its way to creating the various resources (deployment, service, ReplicaSet, pods, etc).

Once the application is deployed, take a moment to poke around the Argo UI and the Kubernetes resources. Select the guestbook-ui service and click ‘Edit’. Change the service type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer and then save. Once the OCI Load Balancer is provisioned, its public IP address appears. Awesome stuff. I pinch myself and make a quick check on OCI Console to verify the Load Balancer IP just to ensure I’m not imagining this. Nope, I’m not.

From here, you can experiment with other applications such as the sock-shop or using other tools such as helm or kustomize. You can find more examples in this example apps repo.

Argo Rollouts

Argo Rollouts provides additional deployment strategies such as Blue-Green and Canary to Kubernetes. Let’s dive right into it and follow Rollouts’ getting started guide:

kubectl create namespace argo-rolloutskubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f

Switching from the default Kubernetes Deployment to Rollout is very easy:

  1. Change the apiVersion from apps/v1 to
  2. Change the kind from Deployment to Rollout
  3. Add a deployment strategy to the Rollout object

Create an nginx yaml file (copied from the Argo CD documentation) on the admin server:

apiVersion: # Changed from apps/v1
kind: Rollout # Changed from Deployment
# ----- Everything below this comment is the same as a deployment -----
name: example-rollout
replicas: 5
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.15.4
- containerPort: 80
minReadySeconds: 30
revisionHistoryLimit: 3
# ----- Everything above this comment are the same as a deployment -----
canary: # A new field that used to provide configurable options for a Canary strategy
- setWeight: 20
- pause: {}

and then create it:

kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml

Verify that we have 5 pods created:

kubectl get pods 

Now let’s apply the patch to upgrade the nginx image from 1.15.4 to 1.15.5 and watch the replica set:

kubectl patch rollout example-rollout --type merge -p '{"spec": {"template": { "spec": { "containers": [{"name": "nginx","image": "nginx:1.15.5"}]}}}}'kubectl get replicaset -w -o wide

This is what we should see:

NAME                         DESIRED   CURRENT   READY  IMAGES
example-rollout-66767759b 1 1 0 nginx:1.15.5
example-rollout-76f5bddc69 5 5 5 nginx:1.15.4
example-rollout-66767759b 1 1 1 nginx:1.15.5
example-rollout-66767759b 1 1 1 nginx:1.15.5
example-rollout-76f5bddc69 4 5 5 nginx:1.15.4
example-rollout-76f5bddc69 4 5 5 nginx:1.15.4
example-rollout-76f5bddc69 4 4 4 nginx:1.15.4

Because we set the weight to 20 (percent), only 1 of the 5 replicas was upgraded.

Argo Rollouts has a kubectl plugin that helps automate the promotion. Let’s install it on the admin server. Since kubectl is already installed from the yum repo, let’s not mess too much with it and instead install it in $HOME/bin:

mkdir ~/bincurl -sLO kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 ~/bin/kubectlchmod +x ~/bin/kubectlexport PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Verify we are now using the local kubectl:

[opc@admin ~]$ which kubectl

Let’s do a promote:

kubectl promote example-rollout

And then a watch again:

kubectl get replicaset -w -o wide

And we’ll now see all 5 have been upgraded:

NAME                         DESIRED CURRENT READY   IMAGES 
example-rollout-66767759b 5 5 5 nginx:1.15.5
example-rollout-76f5bddc69 0 0 0 nginx:1.15.4

I’ll pause here and leave Argo Events for a future post. For now, I hope this shows you that if you were considering running the Argo project on your Kubernetes cluster, OKE will work quite nicely with it.

