Your Peace Is Your Most Valuable Treasure

Lydia Nduta
3 min readJun 22, 2023


Have you ever been so engrossed the activities of your day and you are enjoying every moment of it then boom? Someone or something just drops from nowhere and disrupts your otherwise peaceful day? Hahaha… You know the feeling, right? It’s the most annoying state to be in. It is a reality that sometimes we are unable to control what happens around you, but you have the power to control what happens within you. That you CAN.

So how you learn how to control your inner peace from getting robbed by what is happening around you?

Endeavor to ignore things and discover that it is one of the greatest paths to inner peace. Though not everything is to be ignored, it helps most times. You do not have to respond to every unkind word spoken to you or a situation that needs you to prove your point. Proverbs 19:11 puts it so well, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” Have no desire to argue with anyone, rather choose to walk away because you value your peace. Do not allow anyone to walk with his dirty feet into your mind. Anything or anyone that costs your peace is more than expensive. Are you ready to pay that price?

Photo by Smit Shah on Unsplash

Embrace the truth that You are the one with key to your peace and happiness . You alone gets to choose what comes in and what stays out. Nothing or no one can disturb your peace of mind unless you allow it. Build such a strong fortress around your mind that it will be an insurmountable task for any negativity to creep in.You cannot control the behavior of others so don’t split hair over what you cannot control. If you cannot find peace within yourself, then you cannot find it anywhere else. You alone have the key.

Photo by Maria Ziegler on Unsplash

Empower yourself to make your peace a priority. Your peace has to do with what you focus on. You need to rearrange your priorities and work on the areas that bring you fulfilment. Set your peace of mind as the highest goal, and organize your life around it. Brian Tracy . Enjoy that nature walk and breath in the freshness that nature gives, and do not be in a hurry. Make time for yourself and savor every moment, put on your favorite playlist and dance your heart out.

Photo by Jonnelle Yankovich on Unsplash

Only God can give the ultimate peace as He alone is the Prince of Peace. John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. We cannot control the chaos around us but we can control how we react. The ship does not sink until the water its floating on gets inside it. Allow God to fill you with His peace and you will face whatever comes along your life with an indescribable peace that surpasses all human understanding.



Lydia Nduta

Friend of God, I believe Life is a one time gift.. So love,laugh,live,be yourself,be happy and have trust in God.