Chapter 33 — The legacy of Gautam

2 min readOct 13, 2023


In the heart of the ancient cave, amidst the soft glow of bioluminescent fungi, Kripi began to recount their family’s storied past. She spoke of their grandfather, the venerable Sage Gautam, whose influence had rippled through the ages, echoing in the corridors of time.

“Our grandfather, Sage Gautam,” Kripi began, “was a beacon of wisdom and righteousness. He devoted his life to uniting the Neo-Indic religions, bringing them together in a noble cause.”

She continued, painting the portrait of a man of unwavering principle. “He stood against the formidable Sinuro Empire that had subjugated much of the known world. He led a legitimate opposition that transcended boundaries, unifying people against tyranny.”

The cave seemed to resonate with the echoes of a bygone era, and Kripi’s words carried the weight of history. “In those times, the Americas, both North and South, were inhospitable, rendered uninhabitable by cataclysms. Africa was shrouded in suspended debris, leaving Sinuro as the only viable landmass for habitation.”

“Our grandfather never wavered from righteousness,” Kripi emphasized, her voice carrying the pride of a lineage rooted in values.

However, the spotlight soon shifted to their father, revealing a divergence in approach and philosophy. “Our father,” Kripi continued, “followed a different code, the code of Kautilya — ‘Shastras with Shastra,’ meaning the protection of knowledge through arms.”

Rajat, perceptive to the unfolding emotions, noticed Vishwa’s reaction. Tears welled up in his eyes, and his hands folded in reverence, as if enlightenment itself was dawning upon him. The foundations of the reality he had constructed around himself were crumbling, and the truth was seeping in.

Kripi continued her narrative, recounting how their father had gained renown for his profound knowledge of scriptures and a distinctive fighting style that he honed and taught. The legacy of their family was rich and diverse, reflecting the complex interplay between righteousness and pragmatism, between the pursuit of knowledge and the necessity of strength.

As Kripi spoke, the cave seemed to come alive, resonating with the weight of history. The past and the present were converging, weaving a tapestry of legacy, and Vishwa sat in this cave of enlightenment, preparing to embrace the profound truths that beckoned to him.

