Top 10 Amazing Facts About the Human Brain

Kim Sharma
2 min readNov 13, 2017


The human brain is a beautiful thing. It is responsible for all of the technological achievements that we have reached thus far. And the best part is, our brains are continually getting smarter. But to develop a better understanding of the brain, as well as a new found respect, let’s cover the top 10 facts about the brain that you probably didn’t know about.

10. Human Brains Consume More Energy than Any Other Part of The Body

Even though your brain only makes about less than 3% of your entire body, it takes up a whopping 20% of energy to operate. What is all of this energy used for? Well, a lot of it goes towards the maintenance and production of cell-growth. The remaining energy is used to fuel electrical impulses in the body so that they work better with one another. While size is usually a factor in most cases, it isn’t when it comes to the human brain.

9. The Human Brain Contains About 100 Billion Neurons

Consider this: your brain contains close to 100 billion neurons. This number is about 16 times larger than the amount of people that there are on the planet. And also realize that each of these neurons can link to as many as 10,000 other ones. To put simply, this is a massive connection. The huge number of connections going on inside of your brain is what allows you to recall memories, develop ideas, and have a personality.

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