The Power of Branding — Eliciting Emotion through Creativity

Emotional Branding: The Secret Sauce for any Business to attain Success

Locally Creative Labs
8 min readMar 31, 2024
AI image showing emotional branding

Picture this: You are passing by the Timberland store after a stressful day of work, and spot the latest waterproof ankle-length boots in the window display. Something stirs in your heart. It is not just the rugged style premium leather skin or the thick waterproof sole — but a ‘yearning’ feeling that makes you pick up the boot in your hand.

Images flood into your head and transport you to the great outdoors. You see yourself as the great adventurer — braving elements, and crossing unexplored paths of beauty and danger to reach the summit. You see yourself at the peak of the summit, admiring the sunset view — the ultimate triumphant feeling of man conquering nature.

That sense of adventure, freedom and exploration is the power of Timberland’s ‘Emotional Branding’ hard at work.

Sound familiar?

All brands have the power to evoke emotional branding. This is the power to ignite desire and possibilities — by fuelling a lifestyle that resonates with their paying audience. Bigger brands just do it better as a result of better brand storytelling and marketing budgets.


  1. What is Emotional Branding?
  2. Why is Emotional Branding Crucial for Small Businesses?
  3. The 7 Types of Emotions Popularly Used in Emotional Branding.
  4. Case Study: LEGO
  5. The 8-Step Action Plan for Small Business
  6. FAQ
The heart knows what the heart wants

What is Emotional Branding?

Emotional branding is a strategy that is based on building strong emotional bonds between a brand and its audience.

It means that everything that your brand does - from the smallest visual element to the sales messaging is designed specifically to hit your target audiences on an emotional level. It could be to provoke desire, stroke their egos or make them feel safe and secure.

By understanding the desires, aspirations, and values of their audience, brands can craft a narrative and visual identity that resonates on a deeper level, fostering a sense of loyalty and advocacy that transcends mere transactions.

The Benefits of Emotional Branding

Why is Emotional Branding Crucial for Small Businesses?

In a world where everyday consumers are ‘carpet-bombed‘ with choices, emotional branding can be a powerful differentiator for small businesses. Here’s why it’s so important:

  1. Stand Out from the Competition:
    With emotional branding, small businesses can create their very own unique brand personality that sets them apart from larger competitors and everyone else — allowing them to capture a loyal customer base.
  2. Build Lasting Connections:
    By tapping into emotions, small businesses can forge deeper and honest connections with their customers, fostering a sense of loyalty that goes beyond just one single purchase.
  3. Drive Word-of-Mouth Marketing:
    Emotional branding can inspire customers to share their positive experiences with others. This will lead to valuable word-of-mouth marketing and increased brand awareness, together with social media — this can be a powerful force multiplier.
  4. Increase Customer Retention:
    This is a no-brainer — customers who have an emotional connection with a brand are more likely to remain loyal, leading to higher customer retention rates and long-term profitability.

The 7 Types of Emotions Popularly Used in Emotional Branding.

Emotional branding is most powerful and effective when it taps into universal human emotions. Here’s a breakdown of some popular and powerful emotions that brands leverage in their emotional branding strategies, along with brief explanations and case study examples:

  1. Joy and Happiness:
    Evoking feelings of joy, happiness, and positivity can create a strong emotional connection with audiences, as these emotions are deeply desired and cherished by most people.
  2. Nostalgia:
    Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that can evoke feelings of comfort, warmth, and connection to cherished memories from the past.
  3. Aspiration and Inspiration:
    Inspiring audiences to strive for their goals, aspirations, and personal growth can create a sense of emotional empowerment and motivation.
  4. Love and Connection:
    Tapping into the universal desire for love, connection, and belonging can create a deep emotional bond with audiences seeking meaningful relationships and a sense of community.
  5. Pride and Empowerment:
    Evoking feelings of pride, confidence, and empowerment can resonate strongly with audiences seeking self-expression, self-acceptance, and personal growth.
  6. Curiosity and Wonder:
    Sparking curiosity and a sense of wonder can captivate audiences and create a desire to explore and learn more about a brand or product.
  7. Fear and Security Explanation:
    While fear is a powerful emotion, addressing the audience’s fears and providing a solution of security and protection can create a strong emotional connection and trust in a brand.

Let us examine one of the world’s best brands and break down its secret sauce when comes down emotional branding!

Case Study: LEGO

LEGO’s emotional branding strategy revolves around tapping into the universal emotions of creativity, curiosity, and imagination.

One Big Brand Narrative:
LEGO’s brand story centres on the BIG idea of “Rebuild the World”. A bold statement that encourages children (and us adults) to express our personal creativity and build our own unique worlds through LEGO bricks. This narrative fosters a sense of wonder, exploration, and limitless possibilities.

Consistent Visual Identity:
LEGO’s bright colour palette, whimsical imagery, and playful typography evoke a sense of joy and childlike imagination. From their iconic toy sets, IP partnerships and successful movie/cartoon franchises, every detail is coated with LEGO’s DNA. Over the years, the LEGO brand cemented itself as a symbol of creativity and self-expression that is greater than its brick designs.

Sell Possibilities and not Products:
LEGO’s marketing campaigns often feature children engrossed in imaginative play scenarios, showcasing the boundless potential of their products. Their 90th anniversary saw the release of a new film titled “We are all Builders” that emphasises the importance to keep on playing and building in our daily lives — a narrative that ties in with their overall brand story of “Rebuild the World”.

Create Note-Worthy Experiences:
LEGO’s experiential marketing efforts, such as LEGOLAND theme parks and LEGO Stores, provide immersive experiences that allow visitors to fully engage with the brand’s emotional narrative of creativity and imagination.

Let Others Sell for You:
LEGO actively encourages and amplifies user-generated content, showcasing the incredible creations and stories crafted by LEGO fans on social media. This fosters a sense of community and emotional investment in the brand.

You might ask, “Oh sure, what can we small business owners do? We are not LEGO with a multi-million dollar brand-building budget.” How are the little guys supposed to grow their business?”

Don’t worry, I got you covered.
Let us go for the little wins first.

8-Step Actionable Plan for Small Businesses to Ace Their Emotional Branding Game.

  1. Define Your Brand’s Personality:
    Start by putting your brand’s personality traits, values, and aspirations in stone. This will serve as the foundation and starting point for your emotional branding strategy.
  2. Conduct Customer Research:
    Gain a deep understanding of your target audience’s desires, fears, and motivations. Put yourself into their shoes as the famous saying goes. Use surveys, focus groups, and social media listening to gather valuable insights.
  3. Craft an Emotional Narrative:
    Once you understand or audience, it is easier to develop a compelling brand story that resonates with their emotions. Use this brand narrative and wove it into all your marketing and designs.
  4. Develop a Visual Identity:
    Create a visual identity that aligns with your brand’s personality and emotional narrative. This includes your logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery.
  5. Infuse Emotion into Your Design:
    Incorporate emotional triggers into your design elements, such as the right colors, imagery, aspirational visuals, or humorous elements, depending on your brand’s personality.
  6. Create Engaging Content:
    Develop content (e.g., social media posts, blog articles, videos) that evokes emotional responses and reinforces your brand’s narrative.
  7. Leverage User-Generated Content:
    Encourage and amplify user-generated content that showcases your customers’ emotional connections with your brand. This can be a powerful validation of your emotional branding efforts.
  8. Consistently Deliver on Your Brand Promise:
    Ensure that every touchpoint, from your product or service to your customer service, aligns with your emotional branding strategy and delivers on the promised experience.

Emotional branding isn’t a passing trend; it’s a significant movement in the marketing industry. By embracing emotional branding and incorporating these strategies into their design efforts, small businesses can create a brand that resonates deeply with their target audience, fostering loyalty, advocacy, and long-term success.


  1. What is emotional branding, and why is it important for small businesses?
    For small businesses, emotional branding is crucial because it allows them to stand out in a crowded market, build lasting connections with customers, drive word-of-mouth marketing, and increase customer retention.
  2. How can small businesses effectively leverage emotional branding? Small businesses can leverage emotional branding by defining their brand’s personality and values and conducting customer research to understand their target audience’s desires and pain points. This will allow brands to craft an emotional narrative that resonates with their audience, and brands can keep integrating that narrative across all marketing touchpoints.
  3. How can user-generated content (UGC) enhance emotional branding efforts?
    UGC campaigns can be a powerful tool for small businesses to amp up their emotional brand story and foster deeper connections with their audience. By encouraging customers to share real stories, testimonials, and experiences — small businesses can reinforce their brand narrative, add authenticity, and cultivate a sense of community in their brand.
  4. How can a design agency help small businesses with emotional branding?
    While small businesses can certainly implement emotional branding strategies on their own, partnering with a professional design agency can be invaluable. You can hire experts in phases — first to craft compelling brand narratives, developing visually stunning and emotionally resonant brand identities. Once you have your brand set up, you can hire professionals to create integrated marketing campaigns that consistently deliver on your brand’s emotional promise across all touchpoints. The point is, sometimes it is better to leave it to the pros for a small cost.

This article is written by
Hendra Chong
Creative Director, Brand Designer
Locally Creative Lab

Hi there! My name is Hendra, head creative honcho at Locally. My humble creative service agency is dedicated to helping purpose-driven businesses stand out with great branding and design.

So whether you’re looking for brand identity design or refine your go-to-market creatives, let Locally Creative Lab help craft a brand everyone will love.



Locally Creative Labs

Locally is creative agency housed in Singapore - we are building brands and turning heads one at a time.