How to Get Rid of Itchy Scalp with Locs
8 min readAug 17, 2022


The dreadlocks journey comes with some pros and cons. There are some side effects that everyone has to experience at some stage. An itchy scalp with locs is one potential side effect that disturbs the growth and causes hair to lose its charm. It can occur if you don’t follow a strict hair care routine for your locs. In addition, if you don’t intake proper diet and hair supplements, you may have to experience this side effect.

If you are a beginner with severe itchiness and dryness on your scalp, continue reading this blog. In this blog, we will share how to get rid of itchy, dry scalp with starter locs? What to use to stop dreads from itching? Moreover, we will share some home remedies for itchy scalp with dreadlocks. But let’s dig in about the significant causes of dryness with dreadlocks.

Causes of Itchy Scalp with Dreadlocks

Having locs can trigger some minor to significant issues in your head. It can also trigger allergies and infections in some individuals who have susceptible skin. If you have dreadlocks and experience an itchy scallop, there can be some significant cause. So, the first step to get rid of the itchy scalp with locs is to know the primary cause. There are some possible causes for an itchy scalp. For instance, excessive dryness can be a probable cause of itchiness on the scalp. Likewise, mildew formation is another culprit of the itchy scalp with locs.

Out of all the causes of itchy scalp, another cause is product buildup. Leave-in conditioners, shampoos, and essential oils trapped in the locs cause residue buildup. Further, no proper rinsing of the locs causes the buildup. Additionally, excessive sweating and moisture in the locs cause the advertisement, which irritates the skin and causes an itchy scalp with locs. So, it is necessary to keep the locs clean to avoid any buildup, which can be problematic for the scalp.

Following some hair care and locs maintenance tips and tricks, it is easier to prevent buildup in the locs. In addition, finding and treating the potential reason for the itchy scalp can help you know what you need to do. If you find the right cause in time, treating the itchy scalp is easy and prevents further damage.

How to Stop Itchy Scalp with Locs

A dry scalp with locs can be possible due to any reason which causes skin dryness or buildup. So, the first step is identifying the factor causing the problem, and the next step is to follow the ways to solve the issue. From choosing the right shampoo to using the oil for dry hair, there are many ways to get rid of the dry and itchy scalp. Here are some possible solutions to help you get rid of the itchy scalp with locs.

10 Ways to Treat Itchy Scalp with Locs

Some ways can help you treat the itchy scalp with locs, such as excessive water intake or improving the diet. Sometimes hair professionals or locticians fail to guide their customers about the dryness that skin experiences after getting the locs. So, one must complete their part of the research to save their time and money investment in their locs.

1: Use an anti-dandruff shampoo

Having fungus in the hair locs is one possible reason for having dandruff in the hair. Hair dandruff also causes itchiness. So, the best relief is to select an excellent anti-dandruff shampoo that helps fight the yeast. Select the organic shampoo made with natural ingredients and contains botanicals for dry and itchy skin. The hair cleaning shampoo with botanical ingredients cleans the dreadlocks and treats dandruff and irritation. Such shampoos have relief properties that soothe the skin and relives itching.

Before applying any shampoo, read the instructions on the bottle and know if it is suitable for your hair type. Different dandruff shampoos contain different ingredients unsuitable for all skin and hair types. To get the best results, follow the instructions on the shampoo bottle and perform locs washing steps as mentioned. Further, you can also get an anti-itch spray for locs and have some relief.

If you experience excessive dandruff and itchiness, visit a physician. No one can better guide you about your hair problem than a physician. Further, maybe the dandruff is not caused by the locs but is due to a fungal infection. In this scenario, having an anti-fungal shampoo and medication can save your scalp.

2: Try an oil combination

Sometimes the itchiness can be due to skin dryness. Dryness on the scalp occurs if you fail to moisturize the skin. Just like the body skin, the hair and scalp also need proper moisture. Using a combination of hair oils can be beneficial in this step. The blend of the best natural oils keeps your scalp itchy-free and relive. With the seasonal changes, some people feel the skin and scalp dryness. Hot oil treatment for the scalp can make you ready to overcome seasonal changes.

Hundreds of hair oil brands in the market offer oil mixtures to relieve scalp itchiness. In addition, you can also make a great hair oil combination with some research. Use the oil to treat the itchy scalp with starter locs and keep your hair in good condition.

3: Dry your locs after a wash

Washing the locs is challenging as it can dry out your scalp if washed frequently. Likewise, washing the locs appropriately is another challenge. The hair professionals recommend drying the washed hair thoroughly without using heat equipment or tools. The locs may take the whole day to dry out completely. So, look at your schedule and then wash the locs, so they are dry in the daylight. Not drying your locs entirely can also cause moisture and residue buildup, which can cause skin irritation and itchy scalp with locs.

4: Try an astringent

An astringent is a substance that removes the excessive oil and buildup from the skin. It is a perfect substance to use during wash days to remove excessive oil and moisture. Further, if you have an oily scalp, you may know that the oil returns in no time and can sometimes be irritating. So, the astringent is the life savior and can help you with dandruff, itchiness and excessive natural oils.

Moreover, if you have an active lifestyle and sports or exercise is a part of your life, you may experience excessive sweating in your locs, which causes an itchy scalp. In this lifestyle, it is essential to take care of your locs. Wash your locs on and use the astringent from the scalp to the ends of your hair. It acts as an anti-buildup and cleanses the scalp without stripping the scalp and its moisture.

5: Use a scalp massaging tool

Sometimes the itchiness occurs due to lacking the stimulation that your scalp requires. To stimulate the scalp for good hair growth and well-functioning, it is necessary to either massage the scalp with hands or use a tool. Using an essential hair oil by massaging the scalp stimulates the skin cells and starts functioning well. A nice head massage keeps the blood flowing and gives you a well-nourished scalp.

There are many options for the best oil for itchy scalp locs, such as argon oil, tea tree oil, mustard oil, and many more. Find the best one according to your taste and massage the scalp with a vital tool or head massager to stimulate the cells and blood circulation.

6: Time for a retwist

In the locs journey, retwisting is a technique to keep the locs in good condition. In the retwisting, the new hair growth is twisted with the locs. If you neglect this step, the hair growth covers the whole scalp and leaves no place. When the hair protects the scalp, the hair doesn’t receive the required vitamin D from the sunlight and suffocates the scalp. The scalp needs fresh air to breathe and prevent any buildup. Too much hair on the scalp causes skin irritation and itchiness. So, it is an excellent idea to retwist the hair after a few months to keep the scalp clean.

7: Try a pre-shampoo treatment to stop itchy scalp with locs

Keeping the locs and scalp clean is essential to avoiding itchy scalp with locs. If your scalp is prone to buildup, a great way is to use a plant-infused pre-shampoo treatment for your locs. The natural pre-treatment cleanses the scalp and enhances purification, and it has soothing and hydrating properties that help grow the hair.

Some locticians suggest getting the detox treatment which cleanses the scalp thoroughly. The unique combo of apple cider vinegar and baking soda washes the hair and removed any buildup. Perform the detox method at home and keep your locs cleansed. Following the pre-shampoo treatment in the routine is also good to keep the locs in good condition.

8: Don’t over-wash the locs

Over washing is one of the causes of itchy scalp with locs. If you’ve just started your locs, you may not wash them for the initial weeks. But, after some time, washing the locs twice or more in a week removes the moisture and leaves brittle hair. Th hair professionals and locticians recommend washing the hair locs twice a month. Over washing not only removes the moisture but dries out the necessary skin oils. If the scalp removes the natural oils, it can result in severe scalp dryness and itchiness. So, it is best to wash the scalp and locs twice a month to intact the natural oils for scalp moisture.

9: Improve your diet

Diet is another important factor that directly affects your hair health. In addition, the dietary changes with the change in your hair condition, growth and texture are also significant. For instance, if you have a dry scalp prone to dandruff, you must take preventive measures to avoid flare-ups. Reduce the saturated fats in your diet and use varied fruits and vegetables that contain a higher amount of zinc and Vitamin B, which are required for a healthy scalp.

Likewise, take the probiotics and the hair supplements required to improve the hair texture and scalp. Probiotics are naturally found in yogurt and dairy products. So, having a portion of this in your daily diet routine can help combat infections. Plus, taking vegetables and fruits enriched with multivitamins improves scalp and hair condition.

10: Drink more water

Skin and scalp dryness is directly proportional to how much water we consume, and drinking water is the cheaper solution to keep the body hydrated. You will barely experience skin dryness and scalp itchiness if the body is hydrated enough. Many times, the obvious solutions are overlooked. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to improve your skin, scalp and digestion. An itchy scalp with locs can be your body’s way of letting you know that you need to drink more water.

Final words

You can never know the solution for an itchy scalp until you know the primary cause. Hence, get to the root cause of the itchy scalp and treat it accordingly. With all the possible causes such as over washing, non-stimulation, mildew formation or product buildup, look for the leading cause and then take the necessary action to keep your locs and scalp healthy.



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