Security Tips Heading into Fall

3 min readSep 14, 2022


With the fall season just around the corner, many homeowners and business owners assess their current setups. Be it their home, workplace, or car, they aim to stay secure and prepare for any issue that may occur whether crime prevention hardware or extreme weather backup measures for our Winnipeg winters. Here’s how you can prepare for fall and winter:

Closeup of a door knob.

Get Extra Keys

One of the biggest mistakes in both residential and commercial capacities is not having spare keys to various locks. It’s common for people to end up losing a key or for the key to break. Sometimes, keys can snap while you’re trying to turn the mon the knob.

Having an extra key can be a major lifesaver in such scenarios. Before you find yourself frantically searching for a “key copy near me in Winnipeg”, work with a key duplication service to prepare for the worst. You can also hand keys off to family members and other workers if you need them to handle certain things for you.

Car Key Replacement

You don’t want to find yourself in a rush, trying to use your car key and finding out that it doesn’t work. It can be a major problem as you could be a potential target of various nefarious parties if you’re outside and unable to get away. If you start to notice any issues with your car keys, call in a professional locksmith service for car key replacement. Not only will it be much easier to operate, but you can spare yourself a lot of headaches and additional costs.

A person holding up keys.

Electric Strike Installation

Many homeowners and business owners are shifting towards electric strikes. These use an electrical source to open up the latch of the door, which is a piece of metal that keeps the door shut. Until the latch receives an electronic signal, the door will stay shut.

An electric strike installation.

A great aspect of an electric strike is that it doesn’t keep the door unlocked behind you, which is great for anyone that wants to keep particular sections of their home or office extra secure.

Make sure that you’re prepared for fall by having all your locks taken care of. Lockmish Locksmith Winnipeg provides a 24-Hour Locksmith service. If you require better measures for your business, home, or car, they can provide wifi keypad deadbolt, electric strike, car key programming in Winnipeg, and key duplication service in Winnipeg. You can also avail of their mobile services if you’re in an emergency and require assistance. Reach out to Locksmith in Winnipeg today for your needs.

