7 Resources to Learn Unity 3D

Paddy lock
5 min readMar 16, 2017


From Over watch to Mario to even Flappy Bird, games have become our favorite past time. We can spend hours playing it, and even watching someone else play it. Do you sometimes wish that you had the talent and skills to develop games? Maybe, you will be able to right the things you don’t like about your favorite game, or even create a brilliant game, with dashing heroic characters, intricate story lines and grueling challenges?

Then, what you need is Unity 3D. Unity 3D is a powerful cross-platform game engine that can be used to create games for multiple platforms including PC, consoles, mobile devices and even websites. Unity is popular for allowing developers with some amazing features as well as allowing them specification of texture compression, resolution settings for each platform, support for bump mapping, reflection mapping, screen space ambient occlusion, render-to-texture, full-screen post-process effects, and so much more.

If you want to get your hands on this amazing technology and start building your very own games, then here are a few resources that you can use to get yourself started. Some of these resources are for complete beginners, but others are for experienced individuals.

  1. Unity User Manual/Documentation

The first and foremost best place to start learning is always definitely the documentation. This is a great resource that comes directly from the developers and you can always depend on it to give you the right information. The Unity 3D User Manual comes with a breakdown of everything that you can do with Unity 3D including associated services. There are over 15 sections that you can master, after which you can check out the expert guides to learn more.

2. Learn with Unity

In addition to the documentation, there is also a Learn with Unity 3D section along with top header, which leads you to a page full of different ways that you can learn in association with the company. It offers multiple options including tutorials, live trainings, certification, community, etc. If you are not the type of person to learn by yourself, then you can opt for a community based learning, which makes it more convenient for you to learn how you want to.

3. Concepts in Unity 3D Game Programming

This course has been designed as a start to end Unity 3D learning tutorial. It includes basic concepts, familiarity around the interface and even how to customize the interface, before it dives back in to helping you learn coding principles in C+, working with the console, math and graphic concepts, and so much more. The instructor brilliantly breaks down Unity into simple and easy to understand language, making it a great course for beginners across all streams.

4. Unity 3D Tutorials by Jimmy Vegas

This entire channel is dedicated to hosting different tutorials by veteran Jimmy Vegas, who has built numerous games on Unity. His short videos are amazing for someone who is running on a tight schedule and likes a short video format. From Mario clones to RPGs and FPGs, he’s got a tutorial for it all. If you don’t like a strict teacher — lecture type tutorials, then this is definitely for you as he keeps the teaching style in conversation style.

5. Unity: From Master To Pro By Building 6 Games

Don’t like boring textbooks or theories that go on and on and on, well then this is a great resource for you. This resource will help you learn Unity, by actually building 6 different games from scratch. You will not only learn the concepts and your way around the Unity interface, making it easier to actually start writing the games. This course has been designed for intermediates in mind, so you will definitely need to have some experience with Unity prior to taking this course.

6. Unity3d Concepts

You can definitely take this course as a prerequisite to the previous course. This course focuses on helping you learn and master the basics of coding and developing games in Unity 3D. In addition to helping you learn the concepts, the course also help you focus on the best way to get the most out of Unity, as well as advantages of using Unity.

7. Unity FPS Tutorial Series

This is a series by MisterNinjaBoy on YouTube for helping people learn how to create a First Person Shooter (FPS) game from scratch. Starting from the basics, the instructor keeps the language easy to understand and conversational and breaks down the concepts to help you understand game development. While, this is one of the series on his channel, you can definitely check out other videos to help learn Unity development for free.

Game development has become a lucrative career in addition to a passion for so many developers. From developing plot lines to designing characters from scratch, to even building the gameplay from scratch, is a grueling task. However, Unity offers numerous tools to help you building better and more dynamic games.

These are some amazing tutorials that are available for free or a small amount. If you have any other great tutorials, then please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

