6 min readDec 8, 2022


Notes : Vertex Convention is a cross-edge DEX for exchanging spot items, getting resources and procuring on deposits.Vertex Convention raised $8.5 million from Hack VC, Expertise Capital, Jane Road and others

⏳ Date: TBA

💬 Interpersonal organization: Twitter and Disagreement

🔗 Network: Ethereum Goerli test organization

🎲 Trouble: Medium

🪂Airdrop: The possibility getting an airdrop is perfect

Step 1:

Adding the Goerli testnet network

  • Go to Metamask
  • Click on the panel
  • Click on Add Network

A following new window will pop up

  • Now in left sidebar click on Networks
  • Сlick on the Goerli Test Network
  • Now click on the Advanced in left side bar
  • In Advanced tab when you scroll down, you will find Show test networks option, just put it ON
  • After completing these steps you can find the custom network in the dropdown list

Step 2:

  • If you logged in earlier, fill in the fields and click on the button Log in
  • If you have not logged in before, click the button Signup (in the screenshot above) and fill in the fields, after it press Signup again
  • Press Resend email and click on the link that was sent to your email
  • After that go back to the main screen and enter your Goerli testnet address
  • Press Send Me ETH
  • Switching the network to Goerli test network in the Metamask

Step 3:

  • Transferring ETH from the Goerli network to the Goerli Arbitrum
  • Add tokens are less than you have on your wallet so that there is enough for a commission for the transaction
  • Press Move funds to Arbitrum Goerli
  • Confirm the transactionby clicking Confirm

Step 4:

  • Go to Discord
  • Press Start Verification
  • Perform verification
  • Go to the channel #public-testnet
  • Сlick on the flask to get the role

Step 5:

  • Press Next
  • Confirm all
  • Press Switch to Arbitrum Goerli
  • Press Approve
  • Press Switch network
  • Press Faucet
  • Click on the check mark and select tokens
  • Press Mint Tokens (select all the tokens in turn and mint them)
  • Press Overview
  • Press Deposit
  • Choose all minted tokens by clicking on the check mark
  • Press Approve
  • Confirm all transactions
  • After cool transaction press Deposit
  • After depositing all tokens, you will have money on your balance
  • Press Spot
  • Select the wBTC market
  • Press Sell
  • Place a market order (Market)
  • Specify the amount of wBTC
  • Click Place Sell Order
  • Select Buy
  • Place a Limit order
  • Specify the amount of USDC
  • Specify the price of wBTC at which we want to buy the asset
  • Click Place Buy Order
  • Do the same with wETH
  • To select a token click the check mark
  • Press Perpetuals
  • Select the wBTC market
  • Set a Short position
  • Select market order and specify the amount of wBTC
  • Click Place Short Order
  • Select the Long position
  • Limit order
  • Set the price for wBTC in USDC
  • Click Place Long Order
  • Switch the market to wETH and perform the same operations described above
  • Click Portfolio
  • Go to the Overview
  • Click Withdraw
  • Withdraw your assets from the platform by 25%

join our Message channel to get more Airdrop and moment refreshes. Additionally join the talk, where we examine all inquiries, ideas and help one another 👇

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