Operation L4J.When people at work told me that we need to look at the log4js vulnerability, I originally thought that it wasn’t widely used. I could not…Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
Breaking change coming in Flutter/Dart for better security.As many people are aware, the cyberstorm.mu team is always busy. One of the areas where we are known to be active is TLS.Nov 13, 2021Nov 13, 2021
Reviewing TLS masteryAfter a long time, I finally got around to see the final version of TLS mastery, which is a great book on the TLS protocol. There have been…May 27, 2021May 27, 2021
How can airline companies open again ?If you have been following the news, you are probably aware that Air Mauritius, the national airline of Mauritius, has filed for…Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020
Open COVID license 1.0 analysisRight after the Open COVID initiative was launched, cyberstorm.mu took a look at the Open COVID license 1.0 which we have pasted below. We…Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
3/4 of SC holders are smart.Like many of you, I was quite shocked when I heard that 3/4 of SC holders will not be promoted to Lower 6. I’ve been pretty busy since…Jan 26, 2020Jan 26, 2020
Why the tech community is fragmented in Mauritius and what could be done to fix it ?As I have dropped mostly off social media since December of 2019, I am looking at being present at various meetups not organized by…Jan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) 105 part IIETF 105 coincided with jeux des Iles in Mauritius. Due to the flu spreading, we couldn’t meet on Thursday and Friday. However, many of us…Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019
IETF 104 and some thoughts about participation from Africa.As the NOC team switches off the network equipment during IETF 104 and we we were packing up here in Mauritius, I was taking a look at my…Mar 30, 2019Mar 30, 2019