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People are insane. No really, they are.

Logan Merrick


Yes, this does relate to business. And yes you should read on…

People are insane. I don’t say this lightly. I wholeheartedly believe that people are completely nuts.

They see things that are not there, and they don’t see other things that are…

Take a flower for example; ask a theologist what the flower is and they’ll say “It’s a creation of God.” I’m pretty certain this is not true.

Ask a spiritualist and they’ll say “It’s a divine creation.” Again, this doesn’t seem credible either.

And ask a scientist and they’ll say “It’s a creation of evolution.” This is just a theory, not a fact. Therefore we can’t objectively say this is true either.

Ask a sane person and they’ll describe the physical properties of the flower which are the ONLY thing we can know about the flower since its’ origin precedes our time.

Any other explanation of the flower is a guess, which is believed to be true but isn’t actually true. This blurs our true understanding of what it is, allowing us to see something not as it is, but as we believe it to be. This fantasy stops us from seeing what is there in the first place.

And if that’s not cray-cray I don’t know what is.

This is only a very small, fairly mild example of people’s insanity. I can literally go on for days about this.

So how does this relate to business?

Well, in business you’re dealing with information. And if you interpret that through the insanity of your thoughts, beliefs and preconceived ideas you can’t possibly see it as it really is. People do this all the time.

They see trends where there are none. They react in fear to things that they shouldn’t. They jump to conclusions and make rash decisions without actually understanding the data they’re looking at.

In business you also deal with people. And if you can’t see them as they really are (only as you believe them to be) you’ll misunderstand them, misuse them and may even allow them to misuse you.

You’ve surely had this experience.

I’m completely aware that this is an extreme statement. But as extreme as it is it’s still true. All I’m sharing here are facts. If you don’t like what I’ve shared then…consider why that might be. Do you have a problem with the truth?

Share your thoughts.



Logan Merrick

I’m a business owner. Co-founded and scaled 2 multi-million dollar businesses. Failed one business. Learned a lot. And now…sharing my learnings here.