Calculating the Number of the Beast

Mimi Mendoza
9 min readAug 28, 2017


As the story goes, Moses wrote the Word of God…but what was God trying to say?

If Genesis Chapter One, was written to explain Creation, then why doesn’t it include science?

It does.

The beginning

Revelation 13:18…This calls for wisdom. He who has the wisdom to calculate the number of the beast 666.6…will understand Genesis Chapter One.

God gave instructions: Calculate

Please Note: This is not an interpretation. This is a direct literal translation, of the original Dead Sea Scroll Hebrew text. The order and numbers are as written in 100% of all Bibles.

Genesis Chapter One was written in the language of its day using numbers, arithmetic and geometry. The instructions to calculate begins with the first verse ~ Genesis 1:1

The first verse instructs us, to use Pi.

The Pi Maker

Genesis, is about God’s word. The most significant word…is the word ‘God’. The word ‘God’ is only found in the following verses

The Twenty Four

In the original Hebrew Text (the Dead Sea Scrolls) Genesis Chapter One, prior to its translation, it is written:

1:5 …evening and morning, on One. (The ‘One’ is the Hebrew Cardinal number)

1:8 …evening and morning on Second. (The ‘second’ is the Hebrew Ordinal number)

1:13 …evening and morning on Third. (Hebrew Ordinal number)

1:19 …evening and morning on Fourth. (Hebrew Ordinal number)

1:23 …evening and morning on Fifth (Hebrew Ordinal number)

1:31 …evening and morning on Sixth (Hebrew Ordinal number)

There is a clear distinction between Hebrew Cardinal Numbers and Hebrew Ordinal Numbers.
Mathematically the use of the cardinal number one, followed by ordinal numbers ‘second to sixth’, indicate positions of time, second order arithmetic and set theory.

These instructions provided use this combination of Cardinal and Ordinals numbers …to indicate numerical positions

The meaning is….Time of Day.

The alignment created by using Pi, explains the beginning of Time.

The Number

The first calculation…

666.6 = 24…Twenty Four Hours.

Of the verses which contain ‘evening and morning’, the word God is NOT present in the Third, Fourth and Fifth day Verses 1:13, 1:19 and 1:23.

In the original text, the translation in those verses are:

Genesis 1:13 “Three”

Genesis 1:19 “Have Double”

Genesis 1:23 “Meaning”

At the time Genesis was written, Particle Physics did not exist.

The terms used to describe evolution, are written using the language that existed at that time.

The words describe evolution and the actions performed by each Creation.

1:1 In the beginning God created heavens and earth = Creation of the universe: Outer space, Time & Energy

1:3 Let there be light = The Photon

1:4 Darkness divides light = Space time divided from light (the universe cooled, became transparent and allowed light to shine through)

1:5 Day divides night = Gravity divides into forces Strong/electromagnetic/weak forces

1:6 Expanse separates waters & waters = Hydrogen & Helium-4 (both are considered ‘water’)

1:8 Expanse divides waters and waters = Deuterium, Helium-3, and Lithium-7 (these atoms formed from hydrogen and helium, the other waters and waters)

1:9 Waters gather dry land appears= Formation of the first stars

1:10 Dry land earth & seas = Stars & water forms

1:11 Earth will grow plants, seed, trees = Primitive life is formed

1:12 Earth puts forth trees, fruits plants with seed = Habitable Epoch

1:14 Lights in sky shine = Quasars & stars begin to shine

1:16 Greater light & lesser light = Population II & III Stars formed

1:17 Lights in expanse give heat on earth = Our solar system forms

1:18 Light divides darkness = Sun and Moon form

1:20 Said waters swarm & birds fly = Eukaryote & single cell life

1:21 Sea monsters, fish & birds = Multi-cellular organisms forms

1:22 Be fruitful and multiply = Sexual reproduction

1:24 Earth puts forth Life, Sea Monsters & Cattle = Dinosaur era

1:25 Beasts of earth, cattle & creeping life = Mammals, reptiles, bugs

….1:26 to 1:31 are self explanatory…

Genesis One accurately describes evolution and creation.

The Sixes

The number Six, is the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers, it is FLAWLESS. It is the perfect number to multiply and divide and mathematically, six is the only number that has perfect functions and creates perfect geometry.

…Calculate the number of the beast 666.6, it is the number of man…

The beast = Mathematics “the number of man”.

Man requires mathematics to prove anything and everything, therefore mathematics was used to prove God’s word and creation.

The following is present in 100% of all bibles ever written:

  • Evening and morning 6 times
  • God created + God made 6 times
  • God saw 6 times
  • God said and God also said .6 times

The order of this exact count, reveals an equation.

The equation, that must then be calculated.

The equation numerically predicts all the fundamental particles and forces in the Standard Model

1 — Photon

3 — Electron, Muon, Tau

6+6+6 — Eighteen Quarks (Red,Blue,Green Up/Down quarks. Red,Blue,Green Charmed/Strange quarks. Red,Blue,Green Top/Bottom quarks.)

3 — Three Neutrinos

1 — Z Boson,

1 — W+ Boson

1 — W- Boson

1 — Undiscovered Dark Photon (This particle has not yet been discovered, but is predicted by the Genesis equation. More explained in final chapter)

3 — Anti-electron, Anti-muon, Anti-tau

6+6+6 — Eighteen Anti-quarks (Red,Blue,Green Anti-Up/Down quarks. Red,Blue,Green Anti-Charmed/Strange quarks. Red,Blue,Green Anti-Top/Bottom quarks.)

3 — Three Anti-neutrinos

1 — Higgs

1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 — Eight Gluons

The equation prediction, also functions with the words in every verse.

Gen 1:3 “Let there be light” in the same position as Electrons…Which produce Light

Gen 1:4 “Light divides darkness” in the same position as Up/down Quarks, which are divided from the electron and produce the Protons.

Gen 1:5 “Day divided from Night” in the same position as Charmed/Strange Quarks which are divided from up/down Quarks.

Gen 1:6 “Expanse has waters above and waters below” in the same position as Z Boson which can only change the spin, momentum, and energy of the other particle…and so on and so on…

The particles match the explanation and the action described, in each corresponding bible verse.

The Matrix

The equation in Genesis, is a Matrix.

The Hebrew language is read from right to left. Mathematics were done right to left, column by column.

The Matrix reveals the working fundamental particles and forces:

From Largest to smallest…the alignment and equation of Genesis One work together:

The Beast Bits & Bites

The Beast

You may have noticed the additional particle named “undiscovered dark photon”…this fundamental particle that is predicted by the matrix equation of Genesis One.

Recently, there has been some discoveries pointing to this particle/force, however to-date, has not yet been officially discovered by science.

The matrix predicts the properties of this undiscovered dark photon and are as follows:

  • It is a black Photon which doesn’t refract or reflect light
  • It is spin-1
  • It travels at a c.
  • It is linked closely to the photon, the Higgs, and gluons
  • It has wave-particle duality
  • Can have either a positive or negative electric charge of 1 elementary charge and are each other’s antiparticles
  • It is neutral in charge, however it can produce either + or — charge
  • It detects the charge of other particles and forces an interaction, by assuming the opposite charge
  • It is a light boson
  • It is an excitation of the electroweak field
  • It is responsible for the downward quantum leap (the energy loss) of the electron

The Bits

The Genesis Chapters use stories to explain scientific processes:

  • Genesis 9 Thermodynamics and Entropy and the process of “natural” selection.
  • Genesis 6 Baryogenesis ‘The Quark soup’ when the temperature of the universe was so hot, atoms could not form. It describes the state of the universe when particles of matter and anti-matter annihilated.
  • Genesis 7:4 The Dark Ages
  • Genesis 5 Evolution of Human life.
  • Genesis 10:5 Cities
  • Genesis 11:3 Continents…
  • Genesis 6 :15 Measurements of our galaxy, solar system, the sun and earth locations and sizes in the Universe. The ark’s size, is describing the size of our Milky Way Galaxy ”be three hundred cubits long” and the size of our solar system …”50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high.”

Our Solar System extends to the furthest dwarf planet, Eris, orbits within just a fraction of the larger Solar System. The Kuiper Belt, where we find a Pluto, Eris, Make and Haumea,extends from 30 astronomical units all the way out to 50 astronomical units
The ark door is the location of the Sun, the ark window, is the location of Earth.

The Time Bits

  • Dark Ages, Lasted 40 days Light shined after 40 days
  • The Earth was water until it dried. 150 days.
  • The Earth, Universe, the cosmos were forming for 600 days.
  • The Earth began vegetation life On: Sunday, July 27th, Year 600 to October 1st year 600
  • Animal and Human life: January 1st, 601 to February 27th, 601

The Random Bits

The Qu’ran: is the table of elements. And within it, are all the possible elements they will create.

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, depicts the human, heart, brain and lungs to scale. It also depicts the 24 hour clock found in Genesis one.

The Tao De Ching, verse 25, explains the equation found in Genesis.

The I Ching explains the geometry of the universe

Hinduism explains human functions, action and reaction with the results.

Buddhism explains the way of the mind, and human thinking and brain functions…

The Numbers Bits

Revelation 13 Verse 18, tells us to use a count 666.6

In Genesis 1- 1:31 = 31 verses

And God is present in only 24 of the verses

God performs 8 different actions

‘God’ is represented by 3 names:

  • God
  • And God
  • God He (Three different gods.)

Now look at the Matrix again:

666 appears twice

3 by 8 Columns

18 Numbers when added together = 31

24 divisions & multiplications

Multiply and divide all numbers consecutively = 1

It equals one, 3 different times.

The official Bits

What is written in the bible from the original DSS text prior to translation follows every rule that is needed for it to be scientific.
Using what Science recognizes as Scientific Proof, the evidence needs to be:

- It’s Mathematics
- It follows a simple pattern
- Morse-code pattern or numeric decoding
- There is physical clues left behind
- It resolves and replaces laws of nature with a mathematical calculation
- It is a unique working mathematical formula that has never been known or seen before

The Bites

The Matrix equation, has multiple functions. As you’ve seen, it’s used to predict all the fundamental particles and forces. It’s used to show ‘How’ everything works to exist. It’s used to explain evolution.

It is also used to show how Energy, Consciousness and Life work.

There is more… The equation Unifies all the forces. It can be used with complex forms of mathematics. Where it =1 (in three different positions…) a physic equation can be inserted. I’m working with a Mathematician Physicist for that. To be continued…

All the images and content was created by me. logicalthinkingprevails (at)

Thank you for reading!

