The future of Programming: A Universal Coding Language

How a universal language can revolutionize a developer’s work in the future.

3 min readSep 15, 2019

To reap the advantages of emerging technologies like AI, programming has to be easy to learn and easy to build upon. As the use cases which programming has been started to be used on are increasing, there is a demand for a universal language which is going to bring all programming functions in one place.

Python may be remembered as being the ancestor of languages of the future, which underneath the hood may look like the English language, but are far easier to use.”

Every language attracts programmers and software developers by giving them the ability to do something cumbersome before. Their adoption is directly driven by how much value those languages promise to the developers and how much faith the community can put into that promise.

Photo by Émile Perron on Unsplash

A universal language is needed to harmonize all different works that a programmer do in their daily activities. Of course, many people may argue that different programming languages are essential because each one of them is used for different tasks. You cannot call a query from the database by using Java, can you? A universal language will help in programming faster, smarter and easier. Smarter programming will result in fewer bugs and higher levels of automation.

Many researchers who have started looking at ways of developing a universal programming language. Karen Panetta, Dean of graduate engineering at Tufts University stated that the language of the future may include visual images of data transformations, such as an image of a calendar to say, “This block enables the user to select and set dates. They might also involve blocks that allow tactile sensory devices to be included so that even individuals with vision impairments would be able to develop applications and program machines, she claimed.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

The dominant programming language of the future will also be universal, in that it will support all developers regardless of their spoken language or their knowledge. The future of coding requires new approaches that are tied up to innovation and new technological advancements. Since more and more different programming cases arise — related to new technologies a universal language become an inevitable option for the programming community.

The development of this universal programming language will begin when a real case will occur in the programming community. Difficult engineering issues will point out the need for the development of such a language.

Last but not least, software engineering has to continually optimize itself and newer trending programming languages can help us do just that. We just have to keep up looking for work optimization via technology evolution.




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