An Easy Way to Hide Your Last MySpace Login

3 min readJul 15, 2019


There are many reasons why you might want to hide the details of your last login to MySpace. Maybe you just want to jump on and check your comments or email messages without your friends knowing that you were on that day. Maybe you access MySpace from work, and don’t necessarily want your co-workers or boss to see that you have been browsing the site during work hours. Whatever your reasons, if you would like to make your home page a bit less revealing, you can apply this easy and quick tweak to hide not only your last login information, but your basic personal information such as sex, age, and location. Your friends already know this information, and in today’s climate of cyber-stalkers, having a not so personal information box can be a good thing.

Don’t be nervous about applying this code to your profile page. If for some reason you don’t like the results and want to change your information back to the MySpace default, it is as simple to do as highlighting the code, deleting it, and saving the results. MySpace allows you to view all changes before they are made, so you can see how everything on your profile looks before you finalize and save.

Go to your MySpace Home Page. Click on Edit profile. This is the first selection in the information box that contains your photo. If you see the words “Profile Edit” and “Interests and Personality” you will know you’re in the right place. Directly below the “Save All Changes” and “Preview Profile” buttons, you will see a text field with the word “Headline” in front of it. Most people place a comment or favorite expression in the headline box. Below this information is your basic info — sex, age, city, state, and country. Under that you’ll see the Online Now Icon, and your Last Login details. The two codes below will not only hide your Last Login, but all the other information as well. All anyone who views your profile will see is your Headline text. Both codes do the exact same thing. Two are provided here just in case one suits your computer better. Know more
Add this code to the end of your headline -

Your Headline “

Note space after first quotation marks, space after last quotation marks. The code will not work correctly without these spaces!

This code will also work to remove your last login and personal information.

Your Headline “

Once you have inserted the code of your choice to the end of your headline, click the “Preview Profile” button and check the results of your work. Everything look okay? Good! Now click the “Save All Changes” button, and you are all set! No one will know when they look at your home page when you were last on MySpace, nor will they know the rather personal information about you that MySpace places there by default.




This website showing details and official links for how to login, signup and create account, including password recovery