Three vital steps to become a professional logo designer

Logo Ventures
2 min readJan 9, 2020

Designing a logo for a company is one of the most challenging aspects in building a brand identity. There is no doubt in saying that the designing industry has come a long way since the use of pencil and paper, but it still requires brainstorming and creative skills to design a perfect logo .

Before you start designing your logo, you must understand what a logo actually is. It is an image which becomes a face of a company. It introduces a brand to its target audience and conveys the message of the business to its audience. It is a symbol which can establish a brand identity.

Where it is essential to have a logo design to identify a company, it is also essential to know if the logo works as was intended for it to work. A designer must be patient to take advantage of the outcome of the extensive work put in to designing a logo for a brand. So here are three essential steps that every designer must follow to become professionals in the industry.

1. Start by learning the basics

A designer is a creative person. They must look for unique ways to represent a brand. One way to get started with designing is through understanding what the company stands for and what they represent. Keep a watch on some of the most identified brands in the market and how prospects respond to those brands.

Once you get started, you must remember that a simple yet creative logos are most identified and impactful in the industry. Furthermore, you must understand the different tools used to design a logo. Not just that, you must understand the technicalities required to design a logo.

2. Be aware of the different trends in the industry

It is important for a designer to design trendy logos for the brand. Keeping it according to the trends doesn’t mean not creative, but it means to design an image which is modern as well as unique to makes the brand stand out in the market.

3. Build a strong portfolio to gain recognition

A portfolio is the foundation of your designing career. It is a collection of designs that you created for brands from the beginning till recent. It tells your customer’s what you can do and tends to satisfy the clients regarding your capability to design. To be known as a logo designer in the industry, you can start as an intern or freelance designer. Set up a number of connections with the industry leaders and attend industry events to stay visible as a designer.

The key to become a renowned designer is to be creative and always think outside the box. Following the three essential steps to become a designer can help you to move forward with your career.

