Create KPI Dashboard with mBoard

2 min readJul 9, 2022


Setup basic Datasource

First of all, we need JSON data from the datasource. The datasource is a REST API from certain server. We can setup a testing REST API from the open source project.

Download Java Project “springrestapi” from github. Available download from

Run “./mvnw spring-boot: run”

Read the README file for getting sample URL

Add URL to mBoard datasource

mBoard has a datasource configuration form for filling in.

Copy the REST API sample URL into the Datasource column

Configure the Datasource properties appropriately and save/update

Switch on the datasource to ON

Green indicator would show from Red color

Add Widget to the dashboard

After added the datasources, we can create widgets.

Click the “+” icon from left side.

Widget properties would show for configuration

Fill in the properties appropriately

Widget would be updated appropriately

Export the dashboard

For saving mBoard configuration, we need for export feature.

Click the “Export” button

Default file name will be saved on “Download” folder

Import the dashboard

For restore the mBoard for prior view, we need import feature.

Click the “Import” button on top right side

Pick the exported file from directory

Prior dashboard would be restored

Clean all the setting

For delete all the setting of mBoard, we need clean all feature.

Click the “Trash” button on top right side

Confirm dialog would be shown

Click “OK” for confirm


All the network traffic is depended on the local computer as well as the application performance. NO Auth , NO DB and NO Cloud Server. We can restore the dashboard on any platforms such as web browser, macOS, Microsoft Windows and Linux. However, we can share the workspaces to cloud and your friends for your options.




Written by Wheref


Data Driven Future Prosperity

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