Prom and Marlin: a partnership shaping the future of Web3 gaming.

J. Marin
3 min readMay 6, 2024


The world of video games is on the verge of a paradigm shift. In a strategic move, Prom joins forces with Marlin, a pioneering verifiable computing protocol. This powerful partnership promises to unlock a future filled with immersive experiences and innovative possibilities.

United by innovation:

Both Prom and Marlin share a relentless pursuit of innovation. Prom, driven by the mission to combine captivating gaming experiences with the latest advancements, is at the forefront of Web3 gaming. Marlin, on the other hand, is revolutionizing decentralized computing with its ingenious off-chain coprocessor solutions: Oyster and Kalypso. These solutions leverage trusted execution environments (TEE) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to create a trustless computing environment. This shared passion for high-performance blockchain applications paves the way for a natural synergy, destined to elevate the gaming experience to unimaginable heights.

A collaboration that drives the future:

The crucial point of this partnership lies in a fruitful dialogue. Prom brings his unparalleled understanding of the dynamics of Web3 games, while Marlin offers his expertise in trustless off-chain computing. This spirit of collaboration aims to address the critical issues affecting Web3 games: network performance and scalability. By fostering discussions around these challenges, the partnership can pave the way for a stronger and more prosperous Web3 gaming sector.

Furthermore, this collaboration is not limited to a simple discussion. It is about leveraging the combined strengths of both entities to drive innovation within the Prom platform. Marlin's off-chain computing prowess will be intertwined with Prom's gaming knowledge, acting as a catalyst for innovative advancements. This merger allows Prom to set new benchmarks in the industry, delivering unparalleled gaming experiences characterized by enhanced performance.

Engage the community:

As this exciting odyssey unfolds, Prom and Marlin recognize the importance of an enthusiastic community. A series of marketing and community engagement initiatives are planned to illuminate the transformative potential of this partnership. These initiatives go beyond the mere dissemination of information; Its goal is to actively engage the community, fostering a transparent environment where the tangible benefits of Marlin's technology are demonstrably displayed to improve the PROM gaming ecosystem.

Marlin: The power behind the scenes.

Marlin is not just a name; It is a state-of-the-art verifiable computer protocol. Using TEE and ZKP, Marlin has a network of decentralized nodes equipped with special coprocessors: Oyster and Kalypso. These coprocessors enable the delegation of complex workloads, making them ideal for hosting diverse applications within the Marlin network. This includes hosting machine learning models, frontends, arbitrage bots, or even backends for calculations that interact with external APIs. Smart contracts make server provisioning easy, while built-in auto-scaling and fault tolerance features ensure seamless operation. Backed by industry giants such as Binance Labs and Electric Capital, Marlin stands firm as a leader in the verifiable computing space.

The road ahead: a look into the future:

The integration of Marlin into Prom marks a turning point for Web3 games. By leveraging Marlin's innovative technology, Prom is poised to deliver a future where players can immerse themselves in experiences that are not only engaging but also safe and scalable. This partnership paves the way for a more dynamic and engaging Web3 gaming ecosystem, pushing the boundaries of what's possible and redefining the way we play. As Prom and Marlin join forces, the future of Web3 gaming shines brighter and brighter, promising a universe of possibilities waiting to be explored.

