Hot Stats on Internet Usage

Nick Loggie
2 min readMay 24, 2018


We know the Internet is a wonderful commodity that has brought so many opportunities into the world but do we ever stop and think about just how far the Internet has come? We are so busy using new apps, new websites and new online tools it is easy to forget how much we can do online these days. So we thought that this would be a great opportunity to appreciate the Internet and everything it does for us.

Just to put our appreciation into context, this useful infographic from Top 10 Website Hosting demonstrates just how important the Internet has become. For example, over half of the world’s population are now using the Internet, with 2 billion of them located in Asia.

Did you also know that there are now 1.8 billion websites recorded on the Internet in total? Or that the top Google searches include iPhone 8 and Ed Sheeran? I’m sure that you will agree that these are fascinating facts.

Social media is, of course, a huge element of the Internet with people of all ages and backgrounds regularly using one form of social media or another. As of January 2018, Facebook had 2.2 billion monthly active users so it is clearly a massively used platform. YouTube is another highly popular social media platform with over 1.5 billion accounts. Businesses are turning to social media as a key marketing strategy to reach large audiences to promote their services to.

In 2018 90% of businesses are using social media actively, which is a huge increase over the last few years. And the stats show that they are right to do this because nearly 40% of social media users prefer to spend money with companies and businesses who are engaging in social media.

Internet Facts and Statistics 2018 [INFOGRAPHIC] - An Infographic from Top 10 Website Hosting

Embedded from Top 10 Website Hosting

Originally published at Adlibweb.



Nick Loggie

Digital Marketing Consultancy specializing in International B2B #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #InfluencerMarketing #socialmediamarketing #globalmarketing