Tips for maintaining a clean and odor-free washroom trash can

Helper ji
3 min readJun 29, 2023


Cleaning services In Noida and odor-free washroom is essential for maintaining a hygienic and pleasant environment. While we often focus on cleaning the toilet, sink, and floors, we tend to overlook one important element — the washroom trash can. Neglecting the cleanliness of the trash can can lead to unpleasant odors and the potential for bacterial growth. In this blog, we will share some practical tips to help you maintain a clean and odor-free washroom trash can.

Choose the right trash can:

Selecting the right trash can for your washroom is crucial. Look for a trash can that is made of sturdy materials, such as stainless steel or plastic, that are easy to clean and resistant to odors. Additionally, choose a trash can with a lid to help contain odors and prevent pests from accessing the waste.

Use liners or bags:

Using liners or bags inside your washroom trash can is an effective way to keep it clean and minimize odors. Opt for durable trash can liners that fit your trash can size. Make sure to line the trash can with a fresh liner before disposing of any waste. This not only makes emptying the trash easier but also prevents direct contact between the trash can and the waste.

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Regularly empty the trash can:

Don’t let the trash can become overly full. Empty it regularly, especially if it contains items that are prone to odors, such as food waste or sanitary products. Develop a routine to empty the trash can at least once a day or as needed to avoid any potential overflow or foul smells.

Clean the trash can:

Periodically cleaning the washroom trash can is essential for maintaining its cleanliness and eliminating odors. Follow these steps for a thorough clean:

a. Empty the trash can and remove any liners or bags. b. Rinse the trash can with warm water to remove loose debris. c. Use a mild detergent or a mixture of water and vinegar to scrub the interior and exterior of the trash can. d. Pay special attention to the lid, handles, and bottom of the trash can, as these areas can harbor bacteria and odors. e. Rinse the trash can thoroughly and allow it to air dry before replacing the liner.

Neutralize odors:

To keep your washroom trash can smelling fresh, try some of these odor-neutralizing techniques:

a. Place a small bowl of baking soda at the bottom of the trash can to absorb odors. b. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil onto a cotton ball and place it in the trash can for a pleasant scent. c. Consider using odor-neutralizing sprays specifically designed for trash cans.

  1. Be mindful of the waste you dispose of:

To minimize odors and maintain cleanliness, it is important to be mindful of the types of waste you throw into the washroom trash can. Avoid disposing of highly odorous items, such as raw food waste or pet litter, directly into the trash can. Instead, seal them in separate bags or containers before placing them in the trash can.


A clean and odor-free washroom trash can is an integral part of maintaining a hygienic and pleasant environment. By following these simple tips, you can keep your trash can fresh, prevent the buildup of odors, and ensure a more inviting washroom experience for everyone. Remember to choose the right trash can, use liners, regularly empty and clean the trash can, neutralize odors, and be mindful of the waste you dispose of. With these practices in place, you can bid farewell to unpleasant smells and enjoy a clean washroom environment.

