Poems 19

2 min readJan 18, 2024


Dark Love

By A.I

In the depths of my soul, a love so intricate and profound blossoms. Like the intertwining vines of a labyrinth, our hearts navigate the complexities of affection. Each word spoken, a delicate thread weaving a tapestry of emotions. Our love, a symphony of passion and vulnerability, resonates through the chambers of my being. With every touch, a surge of electricity ignites my senses, leaving me breathless and yearning for more. Our connection, a puzzle of intricate pieces, fits together flawlessly, creating a masterpiece of devotion. In the vast expanse of time, our love remains steadfast, weathering storms and embracing the beauty of imperfection. Together, we dance through the labyrinth of love, finding solace in the depths of our intertwined souls.

Dark Trauma

By A.I

In the depths of my soul, I am haunted by the shadows of trauma. It lingers, a relentless specter, casting its dark veil over every aspect of my existence. The pain, the anguish, the shattered fragments of my being, they all intertwine in a macabre dance of despair. Each day, I am reminded of the scars etched upon my psyche, a constant reminder of the horrors I have endured. The weight of it all is suffocating, a heavy burden that threatens to consume me whole. Yet, I refuse to succumb to its malevolent grasp. I stand defiant, a warrior in the face of adversity, determined to find solace amidst the chaos. Though the path is treacherous and the journey fraught with pain, I will not be defined by my trauma. I will rise above, a phoenix emerging from the ashes, reclaiming my shattered self and forging a new narrative. For in the darkness, there lies a glimmer of hope, a flickering flame that refuses to be extinguished. And so, I press on, navigating the labyrinth of my past, seeking healing and redemption.

